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Field Instruments, Sensors and Instrumentation, Plant Instrumentation, Instrumentation Technology, Industrial Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation Engineering Companies, Types of Control System, Instrumentation and Control Devices, HVAC Control Block Diagram, Instrumentation In HVAC, HVAC Installation, Advanced Process Control | Magazine News White Papers, Books, Resources, Webinars, Pod Castings

New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | MONTESTO 200 - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables


Portable on-line partial discharge measurement and monitoring sys-tem for various electrical assets.

“Kusam-Meco” 6000 Counts TRMS Digital Multimeter Model – KM 2257

KUSAM-MECO has added one more “UL” listed Digital Multimeter to its range Model KM 2257. It has a large LCD Display 3⅚ Digits 6000...

“Kusam-Meco” Voltage Tester Model – KM 66 / KM 69

KUSAM-MECO has 2 voltage testers in their vast range of Digital Test & Measuring Instruments. The Testers have highest safety ‘UL/ETL’ approval. Model KM...


HPL Electric & Power Ltd., has received approval and production clearance from a leading Private Distribution Company for the implementation of NB-IoT based Smart...

“Kusam-Meco” AC/DC True RMS Digital Clamp Meter: Model – KM 088

Model KM-088 is a new AC/DC True RMS Clamp Meter introduced by “KUSAM-MECO”, an ISO 9001-2008 certified company. It has backlight function, MAX/MIN/AVG Recording...

Kyoritsu’s 3128 insulation testers

Kyoritsu’s 3128 is defacto standard in 12KV insulation testing in this part of the world.

Raytech AG’s Switzerland State of Art WR50-12

Next Gen Equipments is very proud to announce the winding resistance (WR50-12) unit and its latest state-of-the-art 12 kV Tan Delta unit from Raytech...
New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | A Long Way to Go for Smart Meters - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

A Long Way to Go for Smart Meters

Smart metering is still in its infancy, as there is no large-scale execution of smart metering system. It is required to start progressing of customers, wherein an end user can get the return on investment (RoI) of smart meter. – Supriya A Oundhakar, Associate Editor

‘Indian Electrical Equipment Industry records a highest growth’

The government is procuring smart and prepaid meters to be deployed across the country. It has urged electricity meter manufacturers to scale up production in India.

Role of Smart Meters in Smart Grid

The goal this article is to provide the knowledge on the role smart meter technology in the smart grid. The commissioning of smart grid pilot projects for research and supporting them by Government of India shows the interest of future development. Smart meter definitely has a great role in smart grid and is considered as most important for future energy management... - Dr. Sarat Kumar Sahoo,  Vikram K

“Kusam-Meco” 1000A AC & AC/DC True RMS Digital Clamp Meters Model- KM 4000 &...

KUSAM-MECO has introduced two new heavy duty High Safety 1000Amps. TRMS AC (Model-KM 4000) & AC/DC (Model – KM 4002) Clampmeters optionally a Flex...
International News Pg No 14


- By the Electrical India Content Team Twice as fast and half as heavy: this is what makes the linear motor robot from FIBRO LÄPPLE...
Genus Power To Supply 1.5m Smart Meters To Eesl

Genus Power to supply 1.5M Smart Meters to EESL

Genus Power has embarked on an ambitious programme on Smart Metering in line with the Smart Grid vision of the GoI. The company is currently exporting its products to the Middle East, Africa and the Asia Pacific regions.

Loop Impedance Tester Model- KM 5208LP

As Per the guidelines for implementation of Electrical Installation Standards in buildings, the earth fault loop impedance has to be low enough to allow...

Advanced measuring solutions for electrical maintenance and safety

We often find the electrical maintenance engineers and facility inspectors are trying  their best to ensure uninterrupted service. Many a time they have to...

Electric & Magnetic Field Management

In UGTL, above the surface of the ground, the electric field is eliminated, but the magnetic field is not, because the soil around the underground cable has practically the same permeability as air... - Ravi Kant Kumar, Girish A Kulkarni

1 Phase & 3 Phase Harmonics TRMS Power Clampmeter With PC Interface – Model-...

Special Features: LCD Display Max. reading: 6000 Jaw Opening: 55 mm Fully...

Failure Analysis Of Energy Meters In Testing Laboratory 

Energy meter is the key component of supply system whose reliable functioning is very essential for accurate registering, controlling and monitoring, of power consumption...- Deepa Warudkar, Priyamvada Chandel, B.A.Sawale, Neha Gupta, Shilpa Singh Yadav 

Rish Insu 5Dx

The Digital Insulation tester ‘Rish Insu 5Dx’ designed to perform professional insulation resistance measurements with test voltage programmable upto 5kVDC and wide measurement range upto 10Tohm.

The thermal imager testo 883

Measuring technology expert Testo is offering efficient assistance to its customers involved in predictive maintenance and facility management, in the form of the new...