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Electricity, Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Cables, electrical wires, Meter & Measuring Instruments | Why you should check your voltage/potential transformers - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Why you should check your voltage/potential transformers

Over the service life of a voltage/potential transformer, various tests are useful for ensuring safety, quality, and operation that fall in line with the specifi cations.
Case Study Efacec Power Transformers Testing Transformer


Carlos Carvalho, Director of Technology at EFACEC, discusses the benefits of software modelling in the design and test of transformers.

CT Analyzer for Current Transformer Testing & Assessment

To keep the device’s technology at the high level required by its continuously changing working environment, the CT Analyzer has been reworked once again.

Diagnostic Testing On Transformers

Performing a range of standard electrical tests on a regular basis has proven to be an effective way of gaining reliable insight into the operating condition of transformers. But, this has been a time- and cost-intensive job in the past. A true three phase test system can really make a difference.

Advance Energy Efficient Transformers Testing

To prove that the transformer meets customer’s specifications and design expectations, the transformer has to go through different testing procedures in manufacturer premises... - D A Suthar

Rishabh CTs – A Technological Excellence

Rishabh is having the complete basket of low tension current transformers manufactured in a world class CT manufacturing setup consisting of an automatic testing facility for all CTs with a printed Test Certificate...- Santosh R. Bhangale

Significance of Polarity in Current Transformers

For certain kinds of measurements, even today, we need  to know the correct polarity of the primary and secondary windings in current transformers... - K Sivakumar

Innovative Current Transformer Testing

This article describes an innovative solution to test current transformers at all lifecycle stages by using a sophisticated testing method known as “the modeling concept”.

Capacitance & Tan Delta Measurement of POWER TRANSFORMERS

A significant proportion of failures in electrical devices result from the deterioration of insulation. The implementation of routine, straightforward tests, along with prompt maintenance...

Embrace The Power Of The Tiny Revolution

According to a recent report by Transparency Market Research, the instrument transformers market was estimated to have acquired US$ 4.7 billion in 2022. It...
gas turbines the heart of power generation dr iyad al attar pg 29


- The article is authored by Dr Iyad Al-Attar Dr Iyad Al-Attar is a Mechanical Engineer, and business innovator. He is also a Visiting Academic...

CTs In Electrical Diagnostics

The versatility and performance of Current Transformers (CTs) mean that many of the instruments used for testing and diagnostics of electrical insulation and earthing can be made smaller, lighter, safer, more reliable and less expensive... - Dr Stan Zurek

Easing Multi-function Testing

There is only one instrument to unpack, power up and configure; the same cable set is used for a whole range of measurements, so the connections only need to be made once; and, when carrying out a range of tests, users of multifunction instruments move quickly and easily from app to app, rather than having to go from instrument to instrument... - Peter Fagerström
New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | AccuLoss Loss Measurement System - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

AccuLoss Loss Measurement System

AccuLoss is a complete three-phase transformer measuring system designed for power frequency testing and calibration of medium and large power transformers, large motors and turbines.

Moving forward with tan-delta high voltage insulation testing

Though recent tan-delta test sets in the market, which are widely used to assess insulation in high-voltage electrical apparatus, combine versatility with convenience, there is room for further improvement. - Vince Oppedisano

Thermal Performance Of Distribution Transformers

This article illustrates the thermal behaviour of transformer with respect to the temperature rise test – and also discusses various factors that influence the test results. The article is also focusing on the causes for transformer failure and with certain remedies to overcome them... - S. Arjuna Rao, G. Girija, Manikandan N, Swaraj Kumar Das
Electricity, Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Cables, electrical wires, Meter & Measuring Instruments | Distribution Transformer Inspections - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Distribution Transformer Inspections

Temperature monitoring using advanced diagnostic thermal imaging cameras can increase reliability of distribution networks.

Saving Time in Generating Perfect Inspection Reports

WearCheck is one of the leading condition monitoring specialists on the African continent, offering a vast range of reliability solutions and services across various...
Electricity, Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Cables, electrical wires, Meter & Measuring Instruments | Achieving maximum efficiency during testing - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Achieving maximum efficiency during testing

This article describes the different testing challenges per asset and shows the possibility how to achieve a higher efficiency using an optimised testing approach. - Christian Enk, Martin Pfanner
Electricity, Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Cables, electrical wires, Meter & Measuring Instruments | Transformer condition assessment with an integrated test van - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Transformer condition assessment with an integrated test van

Commissioning tests and periodic on-site maintenance checks are essential for the safe and outage-free operation of power transformers and substations. A combination of routine...