Group Publications
Electrical India
India’s oldest magazine on power and electrical products industry
Electrical India established in 1961, is in its 60th year of publication. ELECTRICAL INDIA covers the latest happenings in the power, electrical products and published a mix of in-depth technical articles, product profiles, interesting technical articles, company profiles, news, views, and interviews with leading individuals along with exhibition diary.
Cooling India
India’s foremost monthly dedicated to the growth of HVACR industry
COOLING INDIA (Est. 2004) is currently in the 16th year of production. It was started after realising that we in India very intently needed appropriate cold storage and cold chain facilities to safeguard the immense loss of food grain year after year due to inappropriate facilities provided by the government. Through our Cooling India, we are reaching out to the complete HVAC&R and relevant industries, giving them know how about the products, technologies and success stories on the application part of the HVAC&R in the industry.
Lighting India
India’s Foremost Magazine on the lighting industry
LIGHTING INDIA (Est. 2005) is currently in the 15th year of publication. We all use lights. But how much do we really know about lighting as a science? That came as a question when we went to a seminar. It was that very moment when the seeds of Lighting India were sown. Lighting India gives you the information on various researches going on around the world on lighting, interesting projects and products. It will get you closer to understand the world of glamour. Everything would look dull with inappropriate lights. At the same time the world can look beautiful if right lights are applied to our indoor and outdoor projects.
India’s premier magazine on diagnostic, meedical equipment and technology
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT AND AUTOMATION (Est. 2007) is currently in the 13th year of production. When a very dear person in our lives had been undergoing treatment for a fatal disease, we saw the panic in the family and the patient. Then we realised if some amount of knowledge was available on machines and how they worked on our bodies to cure the various ailments that would help us a lot. This gave Medical Equipment and Automation the reason to come into existence. The magazine is aiming to give you a knowhow about the machines (from microscope to scanning machines) and their applications- along with the latest trends in the medical industry.
India’s First & Foremost Magazine on Automation & Robotics
AUTOMATION & ROBOTICS WORLD (Est. 2019) is the only magazine of its kind covering the Automation industry as well as Robotic industry in India as well as globally. Automation & Robotics World covers latest trends, innovations, technological finds, product reviews on robotic design, automation, IoT, IIoT, Smart Factory, Industry 4.0, Smart Automation, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Networks, Security, Software, Power and Electronics, Robot Motors, Robotic Tools, Robotic Controllers, Sensors and many more.