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Renewable Energy India Expo


Renewable Energy India (REI) E-Expo, South Asia’s first virtual renewable energy event by Informa Markets in India (formerly UBM India) concluded on a successful note 9th June 2020.
gas turbine equipment

MHPS’ T-Point 2 technology now attains commercial benchmark

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems’ (MHPS’) T-Point 2 combined cycle power plant validation facility has recently entered full commercial operation with an enhanced JAC gas...

Fortum to add Data Science & Analytics unit as part of its focus on...

Digital technologies are transforming the energy sector and are central to Fortum’s ability to operate efficiently, compete profitability, and help decarbonise society simultaneously. This...
Renewable Energy, Green Power Electricity, Energy Conservation, Sustainable Energy, Environments, Solar power | Control and Operation of Main grid with Renewable Energy based Distributed Generators - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Control and Operation of Main grid with Renewable Energy based Distributed Generators

Future distribution systems will contain microgrids and hence it is necessary to understand the steady state & transient operating conditions of such systems to evaluate their impacts on the current Grid - C S Indulkar
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“Kusam-Meco” AC / DC 60,000 Counts 100 kHz Trms Digital Multimeter Model –...

KUSAM-MECO has introduced a new exciting Digital Multimeter Model KM 789 to its large range of High Safety “UL” listed Multimeters. ‘UL’ listed multimeters...

Fluke Unveils New Line of Acoustic Imagers with ii915, ii905, and ii500

Fluke revolutionized industrial leak detection five years ago with the introduction of its first sonic imager featuring SoundSight™ technology. This innovative tool transformed how...

Solar Assisted Bicycles Part 3

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Innovations in Wind Energy Handling: Schmalz’s Integrated Solutions for Rotor Blade Manufacturing

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FLIR CM276 Clamp Meter and Thermal Imaging Camera with METERLiNK

Key Features: Reduces inspection and troubleshooting time for solar photovoltaic, electrical, and mechanical systems with its advanced thermal and visual camera. ...