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Harmonic Wave, Overtones, First, 3rd, 11th Harmonic Signal, Notes, Harmonic Sound Waves | Natural, String Harmonics Order, Donner, Pipe, Higher Order, Acoustic Harmonic Square, Audio | Harmonic Voltage Generation, Power Quality, System, Energy Metering, Pulse Converters, Harmonics Causes & Effects | White Papers, Newsletter, Discussions, Publications, Books, Resources, Webinars, Pod Castings

Effect of TRANSFORMERS Saturation

A transformer can incur in core saturation conditions in either of the following cases: When operating above rated power ...


The quality of power is most significant in the field of the power system. Many techniques are used for improving the same. In this article, the quality of the Power and THD values for different switching pulses are to be analyzed. Here, the existing system comprises a Solar Photovoltaic array, boost converter, Multilevel inverter with normal switching pulse, and RLC Load. The proposed system comprises a solar photovoltaic array fed multilevel inverter with Pseudorandom Binary Switching (PRBS) pulse, buck-boost converter, and three-phase induction motor. The Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence generator consists of shift register and logic gates...
Electricity, Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Cables, electrical wires, Meter & Measuring Instruments | Stator Earth Fault Protection for Generators - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Stator Earth Fault Protection for Generators

The article reveals that 3rd Harmonic voltage generation is prime criterion to deploy the 100 per cent Stator Earth fault protection. - Dinesh Pawar
jobs vacancies, Electrical Engineers, Power Project Contractors, Job Opportunities, | Which factors affect the power supply quality? - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Which factors affect the power supply quality?

The harmonious and uniform standards should be specified by the State Regulatory Commissions to serve the best interest of the utilities and consumers connected to the national grid. - Ashok Upadhyay
New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | Curbing Harmonics using Apparent Energy Metering - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Curbing Harmonics using Apparent Energy Metering

The article explains how an electrical revolution can be effectively triggered - where market sees rapid sales of efficient electrical appliances. - P. Chaitanyasreerama, Dr. Vithal N. Kamat

Improved Power Quality & Reduced Harmonics

An increasing number of loads are non-linear, introducing harmonics into the power grid and thus significantly impairing the power quality. EPCOS PQSine™ is an active harmonic filter that effectively reduces the unwanted harmonics…

Harmonics in Power System

The distribution of the harmonic sources requires close monitoring between OEM & users for making a stringent specification in order to minimize voltage-distortion levels are kept to acceptable levels on the overall system considering IEEE 519- standards...

Analysis And Elimination Of Third Harmonics

This article discusses the power quality issues and how is the unwanted component (called harmonic) introduced. Consequence of harmonics according to their sequence will be different and most precarious also. Moreover, different strategies according to different cases are discussed. We have discussed four different cases. Whereever necessary, the mathematical analysis is shown with output waveform to prove the arguments... - Paresh Modha, Minesh Joshi

Managing 12 Pulse Converters

This article discusses 12 Pulse Converter Circuitry commonly found in Variable Speed Drives. The simulation of 12 pulse converters performs in both the Balanced and Unbalanced condition of Line voltages as well as frequency... - Minesh K. Joshi, Paresh Modha, Paresh Modha, Jigar N. Mistry, Mitesh B. Astik

Harmonics Causes & Effects

Harmonics are defined as the content of signal whose frequency is an integral multiple of the system frequency of the fundamental. Voltage distortion is generally very harmful because it can increase the effective peak value and also the rms current in some devices connected to the network... - Basant Kumar
AT&C losses. Important points for reduction of AT&C losses.

AT & C Loss Reduction

A T & C loss is nothing but the sum total of technical and commercial losses and shortage due to non-realisation of billed amount... - Robbin Pramanick

Lighting Systems And Their Effect On Power Quality

Poor power quality management inevitably leads to an increase in operational costs and places an unnecessary strain on already dwindling resources. The ultimate reason that we are interested in power quality is economic value... - Dr. K Uma Rao, Nitish N, Pramod R Rao, Ashish M Rao

An ANN Based Approach For Optimal Placement Of Custom Power Devices

Power electronics based controllers used in distribution systems are called custom power devices. These devices have been proved to be quite effective in power quality enhancement. They may be of series, shunt and series-shunt or series-series type – depending upon their connection in the circuit... - D K Tanti, MK Verma, Brijesh Singh, O N Mehrotra

Performance Evaluation

In previous publications, authors have reported about the performance of the single-phase inverter topology based on controlled charging of the capacitor. The dynamic performance was not available. This article presents the dynamic performance of the inverter for various types of load, which includes leading, lagging and unity power factor, and analysis for 'total harmonic distortion' has been included... - K.Vijayakumar, S.Kannan and S.Ponnayira Sundaravel

Distribution System Capacitor Banks And their Impact On Power Quality

The most common solution to harmonic problems involves the application of harmonic filters. Capacitors and the system short-circuit impedance combine to create resonances that can magnify harmonic levels to well above accepted limits. What is the solution? - Dr L Ashok Kumar