Bharat Bijlee, a Mumbai-headquartered electrical engineering company, was granted patents in respect of the designs of its permanent magnet Premium Efficiency IE4 class and Ultra Premium Efficiency class IE5 motors. These motors are sold under the SynchroVERT® brand name.
The patent for the IE4 motor design was granted in January 2024. This invention is formally titled Interior Magnet Rotors with Special Geometry for Improving Efficiency of Line Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors. The IE5 patent, granted in March 2024, is titled Interior Magnet Rotors with Modified Magnet Configuration for Redirecting Flux and Improving Efficiency of Line Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors to IE5 Level. The IE4 design uses internal permanent magnets oriented in the rotor so as to achieve IE4 levels as per IEC 60034-30, while the rotor design of the IE5 motor is an improvement of this concept that further improves efficiency to IE5 or Ultra Premium Efficiency class.
Both designs offer Line Start capability as well as several superior performance features. Material and cost savings are also achieved. As the higher efficiencies are achieved in the same frame sizes as a standard induction motor, replacement of older inefficient motors is straightforward. These motors are presently available in outputs from 1.5 kW to 55 kW (IE4) and to 45 kW (IE5). Several thousands of the motors are already installed in a variety of applications, and have generated significant energy savings for their users.
Expressing his thoughts, one of the inventors Anil Naik, AVP – Motors, said, “With these patents, Bharat Bijlee not only has the opportunity to drive technological advancements in the motor industry, but also lead the way towards a more sustainable future. By prioritising energy-efficient motors, we can make a tangible impact on both business and the environment.”
Bharat Bijlee has always been at the forefront of promoting energy efficiency in motor-driven systems. These patents only strengthen the company’s commitment to creating intellectual property that adds value to customers and helps protect the environment.