Charting a Sustainable Path: Smart Cities and Sustainable Cables Shaping the Future

From the past decade, the demand for renewable energy alternatives within business practices has been steadily increasing and consumers are beginning to care more about how products and services will affect the planet in long-term. The focus on cost-efficiency from a consumer’s perspective has shifted dramatically, and companies are beginning to incorporate sustainable practices within their production and distribution due to this rapid change. In the current economic climate, a company’s willingness to adapt to the demand of current market trends and adopt a green mentality may ‘make or break’ their overall success.

Smart cities in India have emerged as a possible solution to sustainability problems deriving from rapid urbanization. Smart Cities Mission (SCM) in India was introduced in June 2015 by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India (GOI), with an idea to develop 100 smart cities in the country. It has been developed for setting in motion a virtuous cycle of growth and development for improving the quality of life and attracting ventures for the city.

The concept of sustainability in development comprises three pillars: Social, environmental, and economic. Smart cities not only about creating “smart buildings” and a more efficient transportation system but also overcoming climate change and other environmental issues. Smart cities must have an energy source that is both carbon-efficient and energy-efficient. Several forms of energy are included in a single system, including a wide variety of sources, such as electricity generation and conversion, energy distribution and storage, and transportation.

Sustainable cables and wires have a major component of Type C PVC  compound, which is Heat Retardant, Flame Retardant, generates Low Smoke, has very low Halogens and is Lead Free. The Heat resistant property of wire helps prevent the insulation from degradation as well as it subsides the heat from conductors to environment, which prevents the wire from getting over heated and thus controlling the increase in temperature. Subsequently energy loss due to heat generation in the transmission and distribution network is reduced.

India is the third largest producer of electricity worldwide with a target of 500 GW of renewable energy by 2030; With new Renewable Purchase Obligations – DISCOMs are mandatorily need to purchase renewable power resulting huge development for transformation from fossil fuel based energy to renewable energy; so the cable market will naturally grow in synchronization with the power industry. Further to this INR 19500 Crore for solar PLI Scheme & 449 ongoing projects are there worth $181.86 bn which will open up significantly the demand of sustainable & eco-friendly cables.

Over the past few years, our cable vertical has developed and introduced specialised OFC cables, tether cables, tactical cables, submarine pressure tight cables, torpedo cables, for defence and shipyards. APAR ANUSHAKTI is melt-resistant, fire-retardant and offers 50 years of life. Currently, our R&D team is working on developing high ampacity cables with high temperature withstanding capability, improving the anti-rodent properties of cables and developing other specialised cables for specific applications the field of defence, telecom, renewable energy and other industrial segments.

As the world embraces this transformative journey, let us unite in steering our collective efforts towards a greener, smarter, and more resilient world. Together, we can shape a future where smart cities and sustainable cables lead the way to a harmonious coexistence with our planet, ushering in a new era of prosperity and progress for generations to come. The time is now, and the future is bright – let’s seize it with unwavering determination and purpose.

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