Energy Management System

Electrical management is one solution for monitoring and controlling the usage of energy and take preventive and precautionary measures. - Mr Phaniraj, Mr Revanna

One of the major consumers of electrical energy are the industries. In today’s scenario there is a huge demand for the electrical energy and but the two major hurdles are the scarcity of energy and the increased cost of electricity. Hence it is essential for the industries to optimise the usage and also keep the cost under control. It has become necessary for the industries to use less amount of energy for the same level of activity. Electrical management is one solution for monitoring and controlling the usage of energy and take preventive and precautionary measures.

The electrical management system is capable to collect, store and analyse the data that is obtained from the various remote monitoring devices to manage electrical cost associated with the electrical systems.

Importance of energy management system

Energy management is the key to save energy in any organisation. There is a global need to implement energy management system since the efficient energy management system has the positive impact on the energy prices, emissions targets, and hence there is a need to save energy at your organisation specifically. In spite of these advantages, there are some challenges that are faced while implementing an energy management system.

The challenges faced can be listed as below:

 Poor quality of electricity
 Increasing energy demand
 Poor systems of energy distribution
 High generalised cost of transport
 Lack of sense of ownership participation.

These challenges can be converted into opportunities by making energy-efficient buildings, transport of electricity, and efficient planning.

Monitoring energy consumption and collecting data

The advanced approach to the collection of data is to implement the interval-metering systems that automatically measure and record energy consumption at short, regular intervals such as every 15 minutes or half hour. Details of the regular interval energy consumption data make it possible to see patterns of energy waste that it would be impossible to see otherwise.

Finding and increasing opportunities to save energy

The meticulous meter data that is collected are invaluable for helping to find and increase energy-saving opportunities. Venlite Energy Limited has its systems equipped to monitor the status of production facilities, or something important or critical data on the real-time basis since it is not possible to establish control rooms over some remote or hazardous locations.

Benefits of energy management system

• Reducing peak demand.
• Energy resource planning, eliminating in-efficient equipment operation.
• Measurement and verification.
• Benchmarking energy consumption or reduction in specific energy consumption.

By making good systems better and better systems best we can achieve an “Efficient Energy Management System”. Venlite Energy Limited has a vision and mission of providing an efficient automation over the Internet and social networks, IoT and Cloud platforms. To become a worldwide technology leader in the smart cities, smart grid, being simple by introducing user-friendly technology-driven products and application to daily industrial operations in all type of domains.

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