Fuji Electric introduces devices to significantly reduce power loss

Fuji Electric Co., Ltd., headquartered at Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan, has launched its new power semiconductor product, the X Series IGBT-IPM 1 (IGBT: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, IPM: Intelligent Power Module), which features the latest 7th-generation X Series devices to significantly reduce power loss.

To improve productivity, the manufacturing industry continues to introduce NC machine tools and robots to automate production site, and against the background of global warming, realizing further energy savings in production equipment has become a challenge.

IGBT modules, which are a type of power semiconductor, are electronic components that convert voltage, frequency and AC/DC power through switching the power on and off. IGBT-IPM is equipped with a self-protection function to prevent failure due to overcurrent or overheating. For this reason, they are widely used in NC machine tools and industrial robots for production equipment that require high reliability.

Fuji Electric’s X Series IGBT-IPM contributes to energy savings in production equipment by the industry’s highest class of low loss performance. Mass production of the product has started in December 2020, and sales will be expanded globally, focusing mainly in Japan and China and so on, where automation is progressing.

This product achieves the industry’s highest class of low loss performance through reduced device thickness and miniaturization of the surface structure. It also reduces power loss during inverter operation by approximately 10% compared to the previous product (V Series IGBT-IPM) and reduces heat generated by power loss.

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