J-POWER, SIRC Form Capital Alliance, for Technical Collaborations on Energy Solutions

Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (J-POWER) and SIRC Co., Ltd. (SIRC) have signed an MoU for J-POWER to acquire shares through a third-party allocation of recently issued SIRC shares. They’ll also jointly explore the development of individual device measurement meters.

SIRC produces advanced, ultra-compact, multifunctional SIRC Device sensor technology that measures electric power, current, angle, and frequency conversion in real time. The goal is to provide Digital Transformation (DX) solutions for the manufacturing industry. By combining sensors (that can be retrofitted in previously difficult locations) with their cloud services, SIRC’s meters can be used for DX decarbonization solutions.

These meters precisely predict and control electric power demand, provide analog DX solutions for maintenance inspections and production efficiency improvements of analog machinery as well as infrastructure DX solutions for maintenance and anomaly detection in aging infrastructure. In this way, SIRC is addressing societal challenges with unique sensing technology.

J-POWER anticipates that this capital alliance with SIRC will facilitate technical collaborations on energy solutions as well as water environment projects. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, Demand Response (DR) will become more and more crucial, in addition to ever-increasing renewable energy sources, because DR helps balance the output fluctuations of power sources.

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