KUSAM-MECO has added one more Power clampmeter to their vast range of clampmeters, Model KM 2746. It can measure single phase & 3 phase balanced power. It has large LCD display and displays 3 parameters simultaneously. It has 6000 counts. Range selection in automatic. It can measure AC Voltage upto 600V (least count 0.1V); AC Current upto 1000 Amps (least count 0.01A). Single phase Active power up to 600KW (least count 0.01 kW). Three phase Active power up to 600KVA. (least count 0.001 kVA). Power factor 0.3-1-0.3. Reactive Power up to 600 kVAr. (least count 0.001kVAr) Frequency up to 1 kHz (0.1 Hz resolution); Harmonics Test up to 20th Harmonic. It also has P.C. Interface. It also has Data Hold function. It operates on 4×1.5V AA batteries. The weight is approx. 500 gms. It is supplied with Test probe, Software CD; Instruction manual, Battery, Carrying Case.
More information: E-mail: sales@kusam-meco.co.in
Website: www.kusamelectrical.com