In the last decades the integration of renewable energies, pushed by the necessity to decarbonize the electricity sector, led energy storage devices to become increasingly important to stabilize the electricity grid.
The increased adoption of variable renewable energy led electricity grid operator to adopt energy storage systems to smoothen the variability of renewable sources. Li-ion batteries, currently dominating the storage sectors in all of its aspects. From portable electronics to MW scale storage systems. Li-ion batteries will struggle in the future to address the MW scale power and daily storage duration when Mechanical Energy Storage systems will enter the market.
In the brand-new report of Potential Stationary Energy Storage Technologies to Monitor, IDTechEx has investigated emerging technologies. With a simple working mechanism, Mechanical Energy Storage systems are addressing the bigger spectrum of the energy storage devices: large power output and long storage time.
The constant integration of variable energy sources will require additional storage devices to stabilize the electricity grid, where the Mechanical Energy Storage device could play a fundamental role.
Electricity is an essential element of modern society, and reaching a stable electricity grid is a fundamental target to improve the economy of every country.
The adoption of these innovative devices will surge in the future, allowing an improvement of the electricity grid, boosting the integration of variable energy source.

Vandium batteries is the solution
It is not specified in the reporting what sort of mechanical storage devices are offing in near future which will endanger existence if Li-ion storage devices. The know-how of tale-tale mechanical storage would have enriched readers’ knowledge. The post appears in complete with lack of details of so called mechanical storage devices those shall appear in next future.