Tata Power Delhi Distribution (Tata Power-DDL), has been recognized in the category of ‘Top 25 Innovative Company’ by CII Industrial Innovation Awards 2020 for the development of South Asia’s largest grid-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), in collaboration with AES and Mitsubishi.
BESS is India’s grid-scale battery-based energy storage system and is playing an instrumental role in modernizing the city’s power system and improving grid efficiency. In simpler terms, the 10 MWh battery storage set up in Rohini is like inverters in houses, only a massive one, interconnected to a network of 200 MW capacity, which can feed around 2,500 ‘special customers’, providing essential services. The stored power can also be used during any breakdown or situations like grid failure.
In the BESS, Li-ion (Nickel, Manganese and Cobalt oxide) batteries are used, with the support of Advancion Technology to operate the plant seamlessly. The 10 MWh system is divided, into four cores of 2.5 Mwh capacity and, each core can be operated individually and collectively. After Rohini, a similar facility is coming up in North Delhi’s Rani Bagh and, there are plans to have similar but smaller facilities in every neighbourhood in the future.
Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL, said: “The award reaffirms Tata Power-DDL’s commitment towards building a ‘Utility of the Future’ and transforming the power distribution space through innovative technology, collaborations, and initiatives. Our path-breaking innovation like BESS can manage peak power demand load during summer and help balance the load curve. We are thankful to CII for recognizing and honouring us. It’s a proud moment for us as we strive to reach new milestones every-day in the field of innovation and technology.”
The company followed the CII Enterprise Innovation Maturity Framework and showcased the innovations on Tamper Evident Microchip and Forensic Testing of Meters also as part of the application submission process. Both the tamper-evident sensor and forensic testing help the utility to detect theft scientifically, thereby helping in reducing the commercial losses. The awards evaluate all kinds of new processes, products, services, technologies, and other types of innovations which can fuel growth in the industry.
No BS and written well, thanks for the info