Toshniwal Industries Pvt. Ltd. announced its association with ENERAC, USA for their portable combustion and emission analysers. Enerac is a leading manufacturer of portable emission and combustion analysers in the world. It has 40 years of experience in measuring combustion efficiency and monitoring emissions. Enerac invented the first electronic eletrochemical portable emissions analyser back in 1979. They were the first brand to get the Federal EPA to accept readings from an electrochemical analyser with ref method ctm- 022. “When you purchase an Enerac portable combustion, emission and gas analyser, you’ll never have to buy another replacement unit again! The Enerac models 500 and 700 can be tailored to suit your specific needs,” a statement issued by Toshniwal said.
These analysers are most effective tool to optimise combustion efficiency and monitoring flue gas emission of different gases such as O2, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, SO2, HC and H2S. A user can select any of 6 gases from these gases and can monitor simultaneous with Enerac unit. This analyser uses NDIR Bench with patented SEM electrochemical sensor to give a reliable compliance level measurement.
It is designed to help you meet the challenges of a rapidly changing regulatory environment. Enerac Flue Gas Analysers are perfect for EPA compliance tests (i.e. ctm 30, ASTM – 6522, ctm 34, for CO, (NOx) requirements etc.), method 2 (stack gas velocity), and method 25B (Hydrocarbons).
These analysers are accurate, reliable, rugged and affordable multi parameter. The portable gas analyser is used for a vast array of applications i.e. boiler, furnace.
For more information, contact: rekha.satidasani@tipl.com