Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (Toshiba ESS) has recently informed that the Barakah nuclear power plant Unit 1, which is a commercial nuclear power plant of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation in the United Arab Emirates, has started commercial operation this time. Toshiba ESS has designed and manufactured steam turbine, generator and auxiliary equipment of the plant’s Unit 1.
Barakah nuclear power plant Unit 1 uses Korean designed 1,400 MW class PWR (APR-1400). Toshiba ESS has delivered its main model 52-inch turbine and generator to Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), the main EPC contractor through Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction, which is in charge of turbine system. Toshiba ESS has also completed delivery to KEPCO the order of large breaking capacity 80kA 400kV Gas circuit switch gear and related equipment in switchyard next to Barakah nuclear power plant.
The nuclear development and usage plan of the United Arab Emirates has started since 2009. Barakah nuclear power plant will contribute for energy security and carbon neutral to supply approximately 5,600 MW electricity in total by four units. The four units are expected to generate 25% of the total national power demand of the UAE.
Toshiba promotes efforts in a wide range of business domains, including construction, maintenance, support for the restart, decommissioning and dismantlement of nuclear power plants, fuel cycle and future energy source development, such as next generation reactors and fast reactors. The company contributes to energy sustainability, security and protection of the global environment.