Diagnostic Testing On Transformers
Performing a range of standard electrical tests on a regular basis has proven to be an effective way of gaining reliable insight into the operating condition of transformers. But, this has been a time- and cost-intensive job in the past. A true three phase test system can really make a difference.
Carlos Carvalho, Director of Technology at EFACEC, discusses the benefits of software modelling in the design and test of transformers.
Thermal Performance Of Distribution Transformers
This article illustrates the thermal behaviour of transformer with respect to the temperature rise test – and also discusses various factors that influence the test results. The article is also focusing on the causes for transformer failure and with certain remedies to overcome them... - S. Arjuna Rao, G. Girija, Manikandan N, Swaraj Kumar Das
Embrace The Power Of The Tiny Revolution
According to a recent report by Transparency Market Research, the instrument transformers market was estimated to have acquired US$ 4.7 billion in 2022. It...
Achieving maximum efficiency during testing
This article describes the different testing challenges per asset and shows the possibility how to achieve a higher efficiency using an optimised testing approach. - Christian Enk, Martin Pfanner