Addressing the repeatedly raised questions on India’s target versus actual achievement in the field of renewable energy deployment, recently in Rajya Sabha, through a written reply, the Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy, R.K. Singh has informed the following. The Government of India had set a target of 1,75,000 MW installed capacity from renewable sources by the year 2022, which includes 1,00,000 MW from Solar, 60,000 MW from Wind, 10,000 MW from Biomass and 5000 MW from Small Hydro. As on 30.06.2021, the total capacity of Renewable Energy installed: under installation and under tied was 96.95 GW. This does not include large Hydro, which is also renewable.
As on 30.06.2021, the total power generation capacity installed from non-fossil fuel sources was 150.06 GW; which is 39% of the total installed capacity. Therefore, India is well in its way to achieving, and surpassing its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target that was 40% capacity by non-fossil-fuel sources by 2030.
Further, to promote the renewable energy sources, the following steps have been taken: i) Waiver of inter-State transmission charges on transmission of the electricity generated from the solar and wind sources, for projects to be commissioned up to 30th June 2025; ii) Green energy corridors have been developed to evacuate power from the Renewable Energy Sources; and iii) Renewable Purchase Obligation Trajectory has been notified with the objective of creating renewable power capacity of 175 GW by year 2022.