The guidelines for tariff based competitive bidding process for procurement of power from grid connected wind power projects was notified on 8th December, 2017. Based on experience of bidding and after consultation with stakeholders, following amendment to these standard bidding guidelines for wind power projects, is carried out:
The timeline for land acquisition for wind power projects has been extended from seven months to scheduled commissioning date, i.e. 18 months. This will help wind power project developers.
The window for revision of declared Capacity Utilisation Factor (CUF) of wind power project has been increased to three years. The declared CUF is now allowed to revise once within three year of commercial operation date, which was earlier allowed within one year only.
The penalty on shortfall in energy corresponding to the minimum CUF, has now been fixed @ 50 per cent of the PPA tariff for the shortfall in energy terms liable to be paid by the Wind Power Generator to the Procurer. Further, the penalty shall be passed on by the intermediary procurer to the end procurer after deducting the losses of intermediary procurer. In cases of early part commissioning, the procurer may purchase the generation, at full PPA tariff.