NTPC, India’s largest power producer is prepared to supply uninterrupted power to the nation despite the widespread threat of COVID-19. To deal with the ongoing crisis, NTPC Ltd has issued suitable advisories for its employees posted at various units and offices in line with the advisory issued by the Government of India to deal with the epidemic. All employees have been advised to avoid face to face meetings and public gatherings to the extent feasible.
NTPC has ensured wide circulation of dos & don’ts with regards to COVID-19 in the townships, to all employees through different modes of extensive campaigning like films, posters, hoardings etc.
Officials have been advised to curtail visit to foreign countries to the extent feasible. Further, any person who has visited affected foreign countries in the recent past (last 14 days) is appropriately advised to report to the State Health Authorities for further necessary action.
Employees, who are at high risk of complications in the event of COVID-19 infection are allowed to work from home.
While entering NTPC campus or corporate office, hand sanitizers are available with instruction of its use. Biometric process for employee attendance has been made manual for the time period.
All the trained healthcare staff at NTPC Townships are observing the Prevention and Control (IPC) guidelines and are using Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) as per the guidelines issued by the administration. NTPC has also ensured that visitors with essential business requirement ‘only’ are permitted to enter NTPC premises with prior approval.
For submission of vendor bills, claims pertaining to ex-employees of NTPC can be put in drop boxes at entry gates to avoid physical transactions. Also, strict provisions are in place for screening of visitors and employees entering NTPC premise with thermal scanners or screeners. Allotment of guesthouses at the plant locations are being regulated as per essential requirements. Students at educational institutions under the aegis of NTPC along with coaching classes have been advised to remain at home.