RECPDCL Hands over Two Projects to PGCIL, Techno Electric

The SPVs were handed over to the successful bidders in presence of P. S. Hariharan, Chief General Manager & HOD (Transmission), RECPDCL and other senior officials of RECPDCL & CTUIL...

REC Power Development and Consultancy Limited (RECPDCL), a wholly owned subsidiary of REC Limited, has handed over two project specific SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) on 30th May 2024, namely, Khavda IV-E2 Power Transmission Limited and NERES XVI Power Transmission Limited – formed for the implementation of Inter-State Transmission Schemes of Ministry of Power for ‘Transmission System for Evacuation of Power from potential renewable energy zone in Khavda area of Gujarat under Phase – IV(7 GW): Part E2’ and ‘North Eastern Region Expansion Scheme-XVI (NERES-XVI)’ respectively’.

REC is a ‘Maharatna’ company under the administrative control of the Ministry of Power, Government of India – and plays a key strategic role in the flagship schemes of the government for the power sector.

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