“Today we contribute to about 70-75% of total solar rooftop installations in India”

With the rate contracts with all our major suppliers, we intend to increase our market share in the next few years, states Bharathiraja Kaliyamoorthy, Managing Director, GEESYS Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd., in an interaction with Electrical India.

GEESYS is an expert in general electrical and electronics system support. Could you brief us about your expertise in the solar segment?

In the ever-growing, ever-competitive market of electronics and electricals, GEESYS is a name synonymous with present day requirements of by and large solar industry.  We are manufacturing products which will support power generation, distribution, conditioning, backup, security and automation.

Started in 2011, we have gradually but definitely grown. Our technical expertise and out of the way support to all our partners, integrators, the distributors and all stakeholders has led us to be a highly trustable and dependable associate.

We have today reached from the suburbs of Chennai to the nationally available product. We intend to reach to the nook and corners of the country by 2019 and serve the clients with the range of high quality low or medium budget priced products. At Chennai, we have established a 6000 sqft manufacturing facility with technically qualified engineers.

Our other product range includes, online UPS and servo stabilisers from 1KVA to 2000KVA, isolation transformers, LT panels (PCC, MCC, APFC, APSC & Metering Panels), lightening arrestors, maintenancefree earthing electrode, lightening arrester, online UPS, inverter and few other residential products.

We intend to enter the entire gambit of IoT and aim to be available in each and every household of the country.  This will most certainly lead us to export to other parts of the world including China.

What are the solar products and solutions you offer?

In solar segment, we offer the entire Solar BoS materials which includes: ACDB, DCDB, Solar Combiner Boxes, Solar Array Junction Boxes, Solar String Combiner Boxes  – both in Polycarbonate & CRCA metallic boxes; Solar Module Mounting Structure (MMS); DC and AC Cables both flexible and armoured; Lightening arrestors and Earthing material; Cable Management Accessories (Cable Trays, Duct and Ties); MC4 Connectors, Terminal Lugs and other Accessories; Video Surveillance System CCTV; and Fire Alarm system (FAS).

All our products are technically defined to suit to every requirement across the country.  We follow the latest technological upgradations and thus, stand apart from the competitors. Any layman can also install our products straightaway on the sites as it comes with plug and use options.

How do you see the acceptance of your solar products?

It would be imperative for us to mention here that, we are the pioneer of developing, launching and leading our competitors to just follow suit with the design, product mix and remain at the top of the list in the organised sector.

As far as the acceptance goes, today we contribute to about 70 to 75 per cent of total solar rooftop installations in the country. The difference of the loss of market share goes to the regional and unorganised players who normally influence mainly on pricing. With the rate contracts with all our major suppliers, we intend to increase our market share in the next few years.

Today, the client is in a position to demand GEESYS and more so, our major sales come from referrals.  We value this as our achievement and strive to build on this strong footing to continue to develop and launch one of the best and sought-after products from time to time.

For our distributor Redington India Ltd., we are offering our range into a kit, which we call it as Solar BoS kit, wherein right from 5kW to 20kW.

What are the unique features of your Solar Combiner Boxes/LT Panels?

SunBox (Solar DC/AC Combiner Box) is a DC string combiner box installed between the PV modules and the inverter. AC Combiner Box is installed between PV inverter and main LT panel, providing real protection and performance monitoring for PV power plants. GEESYS is a pioneer in this field of Solar BoS components manufacturing and supplies. Solar DCDB/ACDB are customised products in the region, But, we have made it as catalogue product with technical expertise.

Having invested huge amount of capital in their solar PV plants, the plant operators want to get the maximum output from their photovoltaic power plants.

The solar photovoltaic plant operators want to know the reason behind any fall in the PV plants output – whether the fall is due to some known cause or a fault in the plant that needs to be rectified. In any case of fault, they want to know the exact location of the fault. A solar PV plant typically has hundreds or thousands of PV modules spread over a large area. Using conventional means for finding answers to both these questions is very difficult and time consuming.

The string monitoring and diagnostics system offered by GEESYS has a smart solution to above mentioned problems.

GEESYS Solar String Combiner Boxes are meant for combining all the incoming lines from the solar panel strings or arrays and deriving one common array output for the multiple array inputs. In a large solar photovoltaic (PV) array, multiple solar modules are connected in series in a string to build the voltage upto proper levels for the inverter. Multiple strings of solar modules are then combined together in parallel to multiply the string output currents to higher levels for input into the inverter.

GEESYS String Combiners (Combiner Boxes) allow the system designer great flexibility in terms of number of circuits, enclosure type and output conductors. GEESYS combiners come in NEMA-3R, 4 and 4X enclosures in either Polycarbonate, powder coated steel, stainless steel, or fibreglass. All enclosures feature complete casketed seals and all output terminals are rated for 90C. GEESYS typically stocks 2 and 32 circuit units in all three enclosures, but other circuit counts can be built to order.

GEESYS Solar ACDB provides overload, short-circuit, over voltage (surge protection and lightening protection), earth fault, low or high voltage cut off, phase failure, phase reversal and reverse power protections. It also provides sophisticated monitoring system with multifunction energy and PLC. We are also providing web-based monitoring solutions to monitor the entire solar power plants from different places to single screen. This helps the customer to ensure their ROI and maintenance activity becomes easier.

For a comparatively new player in the market, how difficult is it for you to compete with the MNCs?

As far as the Indian operations are concerned, we are the pioneer in this segment and our steady growth signifies our commitment and determination to excel. Moreover, right from the beginning, our approach to every query, every client is personalised which will be difficult for our competitors to even match anytime soon.

As far as the MNC influence is concerned, we wish them to launch their products, which may give us an opportunity to upgrade ourselves, serve the client with additional vigour and offer the very best at the most competitive price.

We would like to capitalise on our strengths to expand our client base, serve them with sincerity and integrity. By doing so, we not only retain their patronage but also remain a dependable partner.

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