The 235 EDLC-HVR ENYCAP capacitor series manufactured by Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., has received a 2021 AspenCore World Electronics Achievement Award in the High Performance Passive/Discrete Devices category. The devices are the industry’s first ruggedized ENYCAP electrical double-layer energy storage capacitors to offer useful life of 2,000 hours at +85 °C while meeting the highest class of moisture resistance: the biased 85/85 1,500-hour test.

Presented by AspenCore, the world’s largest media group within the technical electronics sector, the World Electronics Achievement Awards (WEAA) program honours companies and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to innovations and development in the electronics industry worldwide. Product award winners are selected by a judging panel comprising  AspenCore editors, as well as through online voting by engineers around the globe. In 2021, Vishay’s 235 EDLC-HVR series has received the most votes in the High Performance Passive/Discrete Devices category.

The long useful life of 235 EDLC-HVR series devices is double that of standard electrical double-layer capacitors, enabling maintenance-free operation and greater design flexibility for energy harvesting and power backup applications in harsh, high humidity environments. Uses include a wide range of industrial, renewable energy, and automotive applications. Among them are smart meters, handheld electronics, robotics, solar panels, e-latch door systems, transmission gearboxes, auxiliary power backup for navigation systems, emergency lighting, and more. AEC-Q200 qualified and UL-810 recognized, the capacitors meet the highest quality standards.

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