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Dc Motor, Electric, Stepper, Induction, Gear, Brushless, Single Phase Induction Motor | Hydraulic, Vibration, Induction Motors Current, Speed Control, Improving Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation, Power Transmission Motor to Machine, Energy Efficiency in Motors, Drives Mining Industries |Inrush Current, Health Monitoring System for Three Phase Induction | Tips to Save Energy, Money with Electric Motors Manufacturing Motors, Pumps, Rotors & Stators Manufacturing Laser Cutting | New Generation Slip-Ring Motor Starter, Gsm Based Stepper Motor Control | White Papers, Newsletter, Discussions, Publications, Books, Resources, Webinars, Pod Castings


Transmission system plays an important role in supply of power to the consumers through the vital link between the generating stations and the distribution...
Ac Induction Motor

Using Automatic Star-Delta-Star Starter

An AC induction motor can be single phase, poly-phase, brushed or brushless. Since industries are consuming major part of the power, we have to concentrate on energy saving from this area...
Mechanical Energy Storage Market Overview Pg 17


- Presented to you by the - Electrical India Content Team A report presented by the Prescient and Strategic (P&S) Intelligence observed that the global...
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Genset Market on an upward trend

By the Electrical India content team Digitisation refers to generating the demand for huge volumes of data that thereafter leads to increasing demand for data...
Rupixen Com 5lw6clbzlcg Unsplash

PXIL and its employees contribute towards the PM-CARES Fund

-By Electrical India Content Team Power Exchange India Limited (PXIL) has made its contribution to the Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations...
Thisisengineering Raeng Lx8coox66ms Unsplash

Güdel linear robot to analyse future maintenance of a product

-By Electrical India Content Team Analyzing the maintenance of a product in advance is not only a goal pursued by Igus as there are many manufacturers...
Viktor Forgacs Fcdqdjum6b4 Unsplash

KEI Industries pledges to support India’s battle against COVID-19

-By Electrical India Content Team On the 1st of April 2020, KEI Industries pledged Rs. 2 Cr to the PM Care Fund supporting the fight...
Planning & Design, Power & Energy Sector, Technology updates, latest updates on energy and Power Today | Motor Current Signature Analysis - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Motor Current Signature Analysis

Many condition monitoring methods including vibration monitoring, thermal monitoring, chemical monitoring require expensive sensors or specialised tools whereas current monitoring out of all does not require additional sensors - Ankush N Bahale

Energy Conservation in Belts and Drives

This article showcases the case studies of few industry segments, where one can find the energy loss in the power transmission from the motor to machine by the belts and pulley drives. - S Ashok, K S Subramanian
New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | Applications of Flux Estimator for Motor Drives - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Applications of Flux Estimator for Motor Drives

The flux estimator finds many applications in high performance induction motor drives. These applications are reviewed and comprehensively presented in this article. - Dr. S. Himavathi, A Venkadesan