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Common Errors While Designing an Electrical Protective Scheme

If the selection of inappropriate specifications switchgears go unnoticed, it may jeopardize safety of man and machines both. Therefore, utmost care is required, while designing an electrical protective scheme as far as selection of CTs of correct specifications, switchgears, etc is concerned.

Digital Switchgear – Raising the Bar

In-depth analysis on how digitisation helps in improving performance and reliability of switchgears. By Subhajit Roy, Group Editor

Arc Flash Analytics and Protection

For every process, identification of risk and protection is essential therefore, to ensure safety and regulatory compliance, operators must develop and implement feasible protection schemes for e-hazards at workplace...By Rajesh Chourishi
Planning & Design, Power & Energy Sector, Technology updates, latest updates on energy and Power Today | Fault Level Role in Selection of Protective Equipment in Power System - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Fault Level Role in Selection of Protective Equipment in Power System

Almost after a decade, US economy on rising trend, a very good news for all of us. India is also an emerging economy, where power sector has to play crucial role. - Aqeel Ahmad
Electricity, Transformers, Motors, Switchgear, Cables, electrical wires, Meter & Measuring Instruments | Let’s Know Digital Multimeter - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

How Circuit Breakers Ensure Safety & Reliability of Power System

Going ahead, switchgear equipment manufacturers need to undertake innovations and more towards smaller but smarter switchgear.
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KEI Industries pledges to support India’s battle against COVID-19

-By Electrical India Content Team On the 1st of April 2020, KEI Industries pledged Rs. 2 Cr to the PM Care Fund supporting the fight...
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