History of Karnataka Power Sector

Among all the existing small capacity power generation technologies, solar PV technology is the most suited technology for generating electricity on the rooftop of the existing buildings in small capacity and integrating them into the LT Distribution networks... - L Somaraju 

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History of Karnataka Power Sector

The main purpose of the government was making electricity available to all sections of the society at an affordable cost and over all development of the state. AEH connections, industries, village drinking water supplies, servicing of IP set connections were encouraged. The single line diagram prevailing at that time depicts the typical power system network as shown in Fig 1.0.

Fig. 1: Single diagram of typical power system network…

During 1984 the deep bore well technology was brought in for supplying clean drinking water to rural population. Farmers were attracted by this technology and the farmers who were deprived of water facility for the agriculture activities in their dry lands rushed for adopting this technology. At this juncture, government of that day came to the rescue of farmers who were in need of energising their irrigation pump sets.

The central and state governments formulated a plan in order to energies IP sets in a time bound manner by fixing the quantum to be targeted in each year. In order to meet government target of energising the IP sets, technical feasibility was not strictly enforced at that time.

The underground water table reached an alarmingly low level in many areas and it was more felt at Kolar, Chamarajanagar, Hassan districts etc.This matter drew the attention of the government and the governments started reducing their financial support towards energisation of irrigation pump sets. Undeterred by the government’s action, the farmers continued drilling more bore wells and demanded electricity for energisation of IP sets. Struggling hard to manage material needs, the power sector was forced to slowdown the energisation of IP sets. The farmers resorted to unauthorised energisation of IP sets, at this stage, resulting in shortage of energy and threw the grid out of gear.

To bridge the gap between demand and supply the utilities resorted to frequent scheduled and unscheduled load shedding as shown Fig 2.

In this arrangement when the GOS in is in closed position, the output phase to neutral voltage of DTC will be around 230 volts and when the GOS is opened out for load shedding purpose the distribution transformer is completely deenergised and all category of consumers suffer from loss of power. In the process, essential loads like drinking water supply, hospitals, industries and domestic loads began to suffer. Ultimately the state’s economic growth slowed down and supplying energy to rural sectors during evening peak hours became a challenge.

As a first step in this regard for peak hour load management to rural households, non-essential 3 phase consumers like IP sets, industries etc., were requested not to use power during peak loads. This did not work, due to non-cooperation from the consumers, compelling the power sector to cut- off one phase during peak load hours to rural feeders by adopting roster GOS system at the starting point of the feeder as shown in fig 3. In this arrangement when GOS is in closed position, the output voltage all the phases will be equal to 230 volts, whereas when GOS in roster position only two phases of the LT side will have 230 volts and the other phase will be at zero potential. The existing single phase loads were re arranged on the remaining other two phases on the LT side of the distribution transformers. This method was adopted with the expectation of great reduction in power consumption during peak load hors. However this plan worked out for some time, and over a period of time it failed as the farmers started unscrupulously using condensers to run IP sets.

Thus, power supply system was dislocated and the continuous process industries suffered severely, affecting the state economy. Finally, power supply quality and reliability took a back seat, culminating in large scale failure of distribution transformers. Over loading of lines lead to snapping of conductors, sometimes resulting in electrical accidents, causing heavy loss of life and property. The T&D losses increased abnormally and power sector jeopardy both in terms of economy and infrastructure.

Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of distribution system network…

Fig. 3: Schematic diagram of a distribution system emanating from a sub-station with roster G.O.S…

Further an alternative technical solution was introduced in some selected taluks of Hassan, Kolar and Chamarajanagara districts, by way of open-delta system at the originating point of the rural feeders as shown in fig 4.In this arrangement only 2 phase supply is supplied from the 11kV side under this condition the output voltage of the distribution transformer is as shown in fig 4. In this system all the single phase loads were transferred onto one particular phase only. Farmers made this plan also to fail miserably, as they resorted to good old method of using condensers unscrupulously, thereby hampering the continuity of power supply to rural households during peakhours.

Fig. 4: schematic diagram of distribution system emanating from a sub-station with roster G.O.S and open delta arrangement…

In Hosakote and Jeevergi taluks, an alternative arrangement called ‘Grameenajyothiyojana’ was launched as a pilot project to run an additional phase and neutral conductor from the sub stations as shown in fig 5.0, for maintaining continuity of power supply to rural households by installing single phase transformers and thus depriving the IP sets of 3 phase supply. Even though this plan proved to be successful, it affected  power supply to other essential installations such as drinking water supply schemes and industries, and hence the same plan was not extended to other feeders.

Fig. 5: Schematic diagram for extended neutral in primary line…

Further, alternative plan of arranging continuity of power supply to non-IP loads was worked out by using Rural Load Mangement System (RLMS) scheme as shown in fig 6.0.

Fig. 6: Single line diagram of R.L.M using PLC…

RLMS is incorporated with fully automated preprogrammed logic controllers at distribution transformer centers of selected rural feeders in Ramanagara district. The results were as expected but did not last long as the farmers resorted to tampering and meddling PLC unit thereby rendering futility this plan also.

Fig. 7 shows a schematic diagram of extending ‘Niranthara Jyothi Yojana’ to rural non IP loads by separating IP loads. This scheme involves drawing of a separate exclusive feeder from substation to the village as shown in the sketch at an estimated cost of around 2*40 crores in Malavallithaluk of Mandya district and Malur taluk of Kolar district and proved to be successful. Therefore, the scheme has been extended in all parts of Karnataka.

Fig. 7: Separation of IP load from other loads…

Even though this plan proved to be successful, farmers creating legal hurdles, launching agitations, and revolted against this scheme and started hooking the Niranthara jyothi feeders by unauthorised means. All the above efforts are confined only to manage the available power in the state rather than increasing the generation. Even then situations in Karnataka have forced the utilities to purchase energy from independent power producers at higher prices of Rs.13.60 per unit in some exigencies.

The Government of Karnataka is attempting to construct large capacity coal and hydroelectric power plants to increase the generation capacity. However, this took a back seat due to the stiff opposition by the local people, and the environmentalists’ siting highlighting the dangers posed to the public and ecology from these proposed power plants. Thus, with bleak solutions for meeting power demand in the state, the Karnataka government had to invest for installing a power plant in a far off state like Chhattisgarh to bring the power. Farmers are not willing to lose their fertile lands and the Karnataka Government also made a policy of acquiring only non-fertile lands for the development works. With the problem of making available land space for industries on the one hand and for installing new power plants on the other hand – coupled with dwindling food production because of the parting of the land by the farmers, has pusses the planners to a corner to meet the ever increasing power demand scenario.

From the above table it can be seen that for installing generating stations and receiving stations and sub stations alone, at rate of 10 acres per MW for generating stations and receiving station, 1, 38,610 acres of land is utilised as on 31st March 2010. An equal amount of land has been utilised for construction of transmission lines and distribution lines. For installing additional 7000 MW generating stations and sub-stations 75,000 acres of additional land is required. An equal amount of land is required for constructing the transmission and distribution lines. Totally more than 3, 86,000 acres of land will be utilised for the infrastructure of electricity network alone in Karnataka state. Huge amount of land is also required for the development of the infrastructure for other sectors and for setting up of industries and constructing buildings. The real estate development activates around cities and towns have forced the setting up of new power plants in remote locations away from the load centres. This has resulted in increased transmission and distribution losses. These developments have resulted in shortage of land availability and the stake holders have to find new ways for supplying the electricity demand.

 Present: The present energy situation in Karnataka state is plagued with constant power cuts by means of scheduled and unscheduled load shedding, much to the dissatisfaction of the public in general and industrial and commercial consumers in particular. Distribution companies are in poor financial health and have low economic viability. This alarming situation poses a serious risk not only to the future of the power industry on the whole, but the growth of the Indian economy itself. It requires a rapid yet transformational approach to move towards a secure future, and demands for strategic and integrated planning with emphasis on renewable resources and improvement of end use efficiency.

There is worldwide increase in the development and deployment of PV technology, and therefore the cost of PV modules is in the declining trend from the present cost and the present cost of PV cells is Rs 50/per Wp. There is development in metering technology, information technology and communication technology to make the optimum use of small capacity distributed generation by the distribution utilities. In addition, there is an anticipated consumer expectation of choice, transparency and quality of service. Incentive for efficiency, dynamic real time pricing and demand management will become critical in tomorrow’s power grid. With the proper planning, we have to evolve a high quality, state-of-the-art technology for T&D infrastructure development that serves us for the next several decades even as we dramatically scale up our investments. This culminated in innovating a new way of power generation to overcome the bottlenecks mentioned above, and this led to go in for small capacity power generation in the rooftop areas of the existing buildings in urban areas and integrating them to the LT distribution networks.

Among all the existing small capacity power generation technologies, solar PV technology is the most suited technology for generating electricity on the rooftop of the existing buildings in small capacity and integrating them into the LT Distribution networks. The future power system with solar rooftop and other small capacity distributed generation projects will be like in schematic diagram 8.0 below.

Fig. 8: Integration of small capacity rooftop PV generation…

Karnataka Solar Policy 2014-2021

The Karnataka Government got attracted by the policy and guidelines of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission under MNRE of GOI and notified Solar Policy 2014-2021 on 22 nd may 2014 to harness the Solar resources in the state. In this policy, it is proposed to achieve minimum 1,600 MW of grid connected utility scale solar power generation projects in the state by 2021.This policy aims also at reducing sparsely available precious land by utilising the rooftop of the existing buildings for generation of electricity in small capacity by achieving minimum of 400 MW of grid connected rooftop solar generation projects in the state by 2018 at the rate of 100 MW every year from 2014-15. Installing the PV panels on the rooftop of the existing buildings for generating solar power, utilise the energy so generated for own applications locally if necessary and feed the surplus energy back into the grid. The net energy fed into the grid will be measured with the help of a bidirectional meter and the concerned area distribution licensee will pay the consumer Rs 9.56 per unit and Rs 7.20 for the consumers those who have availed capital subsidy at 30% from MNRE as per the tariff order of Karnataka electricity regulatory commission dated 10th October 2013. Energy Minister D K Shivakumar, Government of Karnataka has launched the grid-connected Rooftop SPV for self-consumption with net-metering that seeks to tap solar power generated by individual consumers. Under Solar Karnataka Programme it is targeted for 25,000 Solar Rooftops of 5 to 10 kWp with Net Metering with a 400 MW potential during next 5 years with a generation potential of 350 MU. If the potential is fully exploited, it will pave way for considerable reduction in the demand-supply gap in the energy sector. Karnataka Government has introduced “Surya Raitha Scheme” to encourage grid connected solar powered irrigation pump sets under small power plant on net metering basis in solar policy 2014-2021. This policy is applicable for IP sets to the extent of 10HP capacity.The net metering mechanism shall account for the agricultural pump set consumption and the solar power injection, permitting grid support for the excess/shortfall between the generation and consumption. This programme is strongly attracted by the farmers and large numbers of proposals are being received through online.

All the distribution licensees have issued guidelines in their websites and invited applications from interested consumers for the installation of RTPV systems. This has given birth for lot of questions in the minds employees of distribution utilities as well as consumers. The distribution utility officials are getting ready to understand the technology, safety aspects and feasibility issues. Bangalore Electricity supply company (BESCOM) is providing training to the officials. The consumers are calculating the installation cost, finance means, return on investment and demanding the ESCOMS authorities to act as middle management for the project in selection of installer and the maintenance guarantee of the system etc. The consumers are asking for gross metering instead of net metering, because the payback period with net metering is not satisfactory to the consumers. They are also pointing out the quantum of projects commissioned in Gujarath to an extent of around 800MW with gross metering as compared to the projects commissioned to an extent of only 14MW in Karnataka. Therefore, the progress in the installation of RTPV systems in Karnataka is very slow.

Future: There is a need to have a clear cut policy model to regulate and ensure speedy development of Solar Energy by creating a win–win situation among the stakeholders of grid connected rooftop PV systems through healthy discussions and interactions, evaluations and proper amendments to Solar policy 2014-2021.

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