I Welcome 2022 with a Confident Note

Although we are stepping into 2022 with several uncertainties, but if we look at our achievements in the pandemic-affected days, we see that the Indian electrical power industry has undergone several note-worthy and unprecedented improvements. As the
old saying goes – every challenge is an opportunity in disguise, exactly the same thing has happened here.

I do not hold any pessimistic view, still it goes without saying that during COP 26, we have realised that we are far behind to be able to control global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees centigrade. In global context, following the Paris agreement, the progress is not at all commendable. Abruptly changing the traditional ways of power generation, transmission and distribution is not possible, thus, it is high time to focus on deriving benefits from small or incremental developments – and I’m happy to note that our country is following that path.

Recently, Deepesh Nanda, the Chief Executive Officer of GE Gas Power South Asia, has stated that India’s strategy to move towards using low to zero-carbon fuels for electricity generation is bringing a paradigm shift in the energy space in the region as well as globally. Yes, indeed it is. As on November 2021, India’s renewable energy capacity has been 150.54 GW, which was just 76.37 GW in March 2014.

In the transmission segment also, our country has started adopting new technologies. The practice of inspection of high and remote power transmission lines using drones has already started. The state of Maharashtra pioneered the technique in 2020, recently Telangana government also has successfully completed its pilot project with drones.

Thus, I hold quite positive opinion about our industry’s future and I welcome 2022 with a note of confidence.



Publisher & Editor-In-Chief

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