Crisis management and coping mechanisms

Photo by Makenna Entrikin on Unsplash

Time and again, while in our homes, we are reminded of how the COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop to our daily activity. And oh, the impact it has had on the industry as a whole! Representatives tell us that the power sector has witnessed a slump in power consumption as industries and manufacturing units stay shut across the nation.

Representatives speak of a drop in commercial and industrial activities which has muted the demand for electricity. Currently, the purchases witnessed in the short-term market are mainly transient leading DISCOMs to buy power, hence reducing the overall power purchase cost. The issue also focuses on various other stories such as the facets of the Net Metering Mechanism for Renewable Energy. The mechanisms and how it is used for power generation. Also, the article – Kite Generator System discusses basic principals involved in various HWAE technologies, the disadvantages of conventional wind turbine systems, and the need to replace them with kite generator systems in India.

We look forward to the June issue of Electrical India which will be a special issue focussed on energy management from the viewpoint of the power sector. Also, it will emphasize on metering, energy meters, DG sets, generators, inverters, UPS and surge protection devices.

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Mahadevan Iyer

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