Jindal's a pioneer & well established name in providing power solution started its manufacturing operations in 1967 at Ludhiana under the leadership of Mr. B. B. Jindal, a electrical engineer by profession.

Jindal’s a pioneer & well established name in providing power solution started its manufacturing operations in 1967 at Ludhiana under the leadership of Mr. B. B. Jindal, a electrical engineer by profession. Jindal’s came a long way & today we have three professionally managed manufacturing units as:-

• Jindal Electricals (Ludhiana) – 1967
• Jindal Rectifiers (Faridabad)- 1982
• Jindal Electric and Machinery Corporation (Ludhianå)- 1987

They are the leading manufacturer of Automatic Voltage Controller (AVC)”‘ industrial purposes from the last 50 years. Voltage variation is a common phenomenon; In the last 50 Years we have installed our AVCs to more than 10,000 customers throughout India and all are working to the customer satisfaction.. As per their feedback, they admit the following advantages after installing AMC.

  • Reduction in breakdown ofelectrical equipments up to 80%
  • Reduction in MDI by ‘bnpvvement in P.E in case ofhigh voltage.
  • Reduction in energy-éönsumption up to 5%
  • Depreciation as per income tax Ready Reckoner.
  • Payback Period of AVC is approx, 1-2 years depending on the input voltage variation Ond working hours of the plant

Due to shorter payback period and being requirement of every power consumer, AVC (Automatic Voltage Control ler) has good potential market in the same way as CFL / LED Lamps. Due to Jindal i s brand name and good references, there is a good market for its products. Theworking life ofAVC equipment is almost 15 years and consists of various moving parts. It needs timely and immediate service Whenever required, Thus for providing satisfactory service to the customers, the company has a plan to depute Sales-cum-Service Engineer as resident business associates in every district oflndia just on the pattern of Maruti Udyog, Hero Motors, Bajaj Auto etc.

Who Should Join & Why

It is a golden opportunity for fresh Diploma/ITI holders. Who do not get any job after doing lot of hardwork & after spending huge amounts in completing their education because they do not have any skill /Experience. Jindals is providing you that skill that too in your homes & making you capable to set up your own service centre where apart from providing services to our customers you will becomecapable ofservicing the Other electrical equipments as well like Gensets ,UPS, Invertors etc.

80% Of electricians available in the market are non skilled. They are not capable of providing total solution to customers. After having proper skill training,You can prove yourselfas an expert service engineer.

Earning Prospects:

Generally companies charge from candidates for providing training & get signed the bond to serve the company after training. In Jindals, There is no such binding. Here apart from having skill training you will be having following earnings:

  • You will get financial support @ Rs 4000/- p.m for initial 3 months so that you don’t have to ask money from your parents.
  • You will get commission upto 10% depending upon the discounts offered You will have the opportunity to learn in different segments.
  • During your working,You may come across certain problems which the general electrician is not able to do but being a skilled service engineer,You may be able to solve those problems . This will increase the scope of your earnings .
  • The company has more than 10000 installations across India. Servicing & repairing of these equipments, can fetch you good earning.

During the tenure of 3 months, firstly you Will be visiting theexisting customers to collect feedback & views which will increase your faith & confidence about our products. You will be able to decide whether you see career in this or not. If you find this suitable then you can continue work With us on 10% commission, no financial support will be provided after 3 months. Since it is a capital item, it’s cost varies from 21acs to 20 Iacs so you can earn much more than a salaried employee.


  • The advantage of Working with them under this scheme is that you will stay at your home with your family. You will not have to bear any lodging expenses and initial investment.
  • You will be given proper training and support by our sales and service offices in your region, Vou Will be free to discuss the problems faced by you ih thé’ field. By interacting with customers; understanding their pröblems and discussing these problems With the regional office you will gain technical and commercial knowledge. You will have good technical experience during this time period and We will also provide you experience certificate for the same which will help you in your future Career
  • You will become a speciålist in this line in your area which will give you growth and increased income every year.
  • You will be a sort of our franchisee in your area. You can establish yourself as a freelancer(EIectrical Consultant) in the manner that you can also do trading of other electrical appliances like Gensets,ElectricalControl Panels, Distribution Transformers, Electrical Motors.

For further details kindly visit website: http://www.jindalelectric.com/

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