Publisher’s letter

The Indian economy is witnessing signs of restoration and so is the power sector. In 2019, Indian power sector has achieved many significant milestones especially in the area of providing electricity for all.

The Saubhagya scheme was launched in October, 2017 with an outlay of Rs 16,320 crore to achieve universal household electrification by providing last-mile connectivity to all households in rural and all poor households in urban areas across the country. Under this scheme, around 262.84 lakh households in 28 states and Union Territories were electrified up to 31st March, 2019. Around 3,71,985 kms of LT lines and 1,77,676 mms of HT lines (11 KV and 33 KV) have been erected.

The aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses on account of pilferage reduced from 20.7% in FY16 to 18.2% in FY19. According to the Power Ministry, the lines losses have come down to below the levels of 20%, due to an increase in billing and collection of revenues, reduction in theft, and reduction in technical losses.

The sector has also achieved significant momentum in the field of smart metering wherein more than 9 lakh smart meters have been installed in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar, NDMC-Delhi and Andhra Pradesh.

Transformers industry, considered as the backbone of the power supply, is witnessing growth and is expected to reach around US$ 3 billion by 2022. This time we took a closer look at the transformer industry challenges and trends, along with the solutions.

We hope to hear from you soon, and we welcome your feedback! Please write to me at

Publisher & Editor-In-Chief

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