Renewable Energy Turns to Be the Central Theme at REINVEST 2024

Satyajit Ganguly, MD and CEO of PXIL receives admiration on the dais…

The 2024 edition of REINVEST, a premier renewable energy conference, witnessed a thought-provoking session on ‘Facilitating Equitable Geographical Spread of Renewable Energy Across States’. Satyajit Ganguly, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of PXIL, was a distinguished speaker at the event, sharing his expertise alongside key government officials and industry stakeholders.

The session underscored the significance of ensuring equitable distribution, consumption, and generation of renewable energy across India’s diverse regions, leveraging each area’s unique geographical features. The discussions centred around the need for a peer-to-peer trade mechanism for renewable energy, addressing Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) challenges, and catering to the specific demands of industrial clients to enhance economic and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments. Ganguly emphasized that India’s diverse geography offers immense potential for cost-effective renewable energy generation. However, to ensure equitable access to this power across all states, a unified approach is essential. He stressed the importance of a robust transmission system to facilitate the free flow of renewable energy between regions.

This requires strategic planning for renewable energy capacity installation and evacuation, addressing regulatory and policy barriers that hinder cross-state energy trade, and creating cost-effective mechanisms that benefit all stakeholders. Ganguly said, “India’s renewable energy landscape is poised for significant growth, but it is crucial that we prioritize equitable distribution to ensure that all states reap the benefits. A robust transmission system, coupled with strategic planning and policy reforms, will be instrumental in unlocking the full potential of renewable energy in India.”

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