Sony Joins Global Initiative RE100

Sony Corporation has joined RE100, an initiative operated by the international non-government organisation (NGO) Climate Group in partnership with CDP.

Sony Corporation has joined RE100, an initiative operated by the international non-government organisation (NGO) Climate Group in partnership with CDP. Sony will aim to use 100 per cent renewable electricity for all of its business sites by 2040. RE100 consists of companies committed to using 100 per cent renewable electricity and comprises over 140-member companies worldwide as of September 10, 2018.

  • An international NGO with offices in London, New Delhi and New York. The Climate Group’s mission is to accelerate climate action to achieve a world of under 2°C of global warming. It does this by bringing together powerful networks of business and governments that shift global markets and policies – so that we can go further and faster in driving climate action.
  • CDP is an international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Backed by investors with assets of USD 87 trillion, it runs the global environmental disclosure system used by thousands of companies and hundreds of cities, providing data analysis and expert insights.
  • In order to accelerate the use of renewable energy, Sony will promote the following initiatives moving forward:
  • In addition to its European sites, which have already achieved 100 per cent renewable electricity, expand the use of renewable energy in North America and China.
  • Promote the installation of solar panels at manufacturing sites in Thailand, Japan, and elsewhere.
  • Within Japan, which contains many of Sony’s semiconductor manufacturing sites and has the largest energy consumption within the Sony Group, establish an intracompany electricity transfer plan generated at Sony sites. Consider supplying Sony sites through electrical grids owned by power companies with energy created by in-house generation facilities that use renewable energy such as solar panels.
  • Within Japan, work together with other RE100 member companies to strengthen outreach to renewable energy market to ensure sufficient and stable supply of economic renewable energy.
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