Renewable Energy India virtual expo (REI E-Expo) was held on 2nd and 3rd September 2020, organised by Informa Markets. The expo’s agenda was ‘Powering Enterprises with Renewable Energy Solutions’. The REI E-Expo web-based platform ensured connecting and collaborating with the target audience besides providing knowledge-based conference session.
Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India said: “Despite the global slowdown caused by COVID-19 the renewable energy sector is expected to bounce back quickly as the long-term drivers for investment remain strong, according to the 55th EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index (RECAI). Stakeholders are looking to collaborate and invest in companies where climate change and sustainable progress is rooted in their strategy. This edition will bring together energy leaders across the globe and focus on powering initiatives in the sector with RE solutions. The two-day conference will discuss market trends, impacts and ways forward in restructuring the RE Sector in the disruptive times like these.”
He added: “ REI-Expo also inaugurates the Informa Markets in India’s Super September – Virtual B2B Celebrations. The digital celebration will cater to 6 key markets, 6 communities and 6 brands that comprise green energy, pharma, travel and tourism, packaging, occupational health, safety and security and, surveillance along with a host of conferences. This year with our strategy to implement a hybrid version of shows, the digital offerings in September will complement the physical shows.”
Speaking on how ESMC promotes solar manufacturing in Europe, creating a political environment to support industrial manufacturing and researchers Andre Langwost, Secretary-General, European Solar Manufacturing Council (ESMC) said: “EU and India will enhance their partnership in support of sustainable modernisation. They will boost cooperation to support the clean energy transition, resource efficiency and circular economy and the necessary technological leaps while opening new business opportunities. EU and India will further develop cooperation on smart and sustainable urbanisation, information and communication technology, transport, space and health security.”
Discussing the emergency occurred globally due to COVID – 19 Ursula Borak, Deputy Director-General, Ministry for Economic Affairs & Energy, Government of Germany stated: “For Germany, the energy transition is a key instrument to revive our economy. We are convinced that the energy transition is not only essential for climate change but, also sustainable economic growth.”
Explaining the challenges faced by the market due to the ongoing pandemic, Tomasz Slusarz, Vision Streamliner, CleanTech Business Club said that their visionary adviser Tony Seba says: “The changes that will happen in the next decade will be a dynamic change like all the previous changes that happened during our last 4 centuries. For instance, the Tesla stock is now valued at more than $US380 billion by market cap and is worth more than ExxonMobil, BP and Shell combined, being the most valuable carmaker in the world.”
Ajay Mishra, IAS, Former Special Chief Secretary, Energy Department, Government of Telangana said: “Solar energy has gained importance and significance during COVID-19. The Government of India has set a particular target of 175 Gigavolt of renewable energy by 2022 out of which approximately 86 Gigavolts has already been installed, out of these 86 Gigavolts 36 of them comprises of solar energy.”
The live conference agenda further deliberated on global issues related to the RE sector and were focused on topics such as Guiding the Way with Social Distancing & Economic Distancing – Global CEOs’ Vision; PV rooftop and storage; BloombergNEF Talk that concentrate on the most important issues and opportunities in the sustainability sector.
Think Quality, Reliability, Performance: Decoding CXO Vision bought in together visionaries and pioneers from the RE space that discussed what each stakeholder can contribute ensuring the convergence of Renewable energy with the upcoming opportunities in this rapidly emerging domain. Linking Technology towards building a sustainable world – RE Hybrid and Financing 450 GW of Renewables: Vision 2030 aimed at deliberate the topical financing challenges with leading policy and sector experts globally and additionally reflected on scaling existing solutions, chalking out new ones.