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Field Instruments, Sensors and Instrumentation, Plant Instrumentation, Instrumentation Technology, Industrial Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation Engineering Companies, Types of Control System, Instrumentation and Control Devices, HVAC Control Block Diagram, Instrumentation In HVAC, HVAC Installation, Advanced Process Control | Magazine News White Papers, Books, Resources, Webinars, Pod Castings

Online Partial Discharge Measurements on Power Cables

Partial discharges (PD) are in general a consequence of local electrical stress concentrations in the insulation or on the surface of the insulation. Corona is a form of partial discharge that occurs in gaseous media around conductors which are remote from solid or liquid insulation… - Dr B Nagehwar Rao, K P Meena, R Arunjothi

Kyoritsu’s 1019R is a versatile digital multimeter

Kyoritsu’s Earth Ground Tester is measure 3-pole and 2-pole Earth Resistance and also this tester makes earth resistance measurement with fall of potential method.

Failure Analysis Of Energy Meters In Testing Laboratory 

Energy meter is the key component of supply system whose reliable functioning is very essential for accurate registering, controlling and monitoring, of power consumption...- Deepa Warudkar, Priyamvada Chandel, B.A.Sawale, Neha Gupta, Shilpa Singh Yadav 
Testing Smart Meter

Testing Smart Meter PART – I

The Smart Meter is an asset to the utilities that realises the revenue flow from the consumers to the power utilities and it is the revenue box for the utilities. The smart meter has two-way communication, which connects the consumer to utility. Smart meters are extremely critical components in the power network. Accuracy and reliable performance of smart meters and communication system between the smart meter and control centre are of vital importance. Also, high accuracy measurement is required in Smart Meter for accurate correct billing and to gain confidence of the customers. Testing of Smart Meters is a required activity to ascertain the quality and performance of the smart meters as per the relevant Standards. This article presents the test qualification requirements for Smart Meters...


KUSAM-MECO the leader in portable electronic Test & Measurement  Technology, has introduced a new MilliAmp (mA) Process Clampmeter designed to help technicians test critical...

Testing Energy Meters

An energy meter is a tool that measures energy consumption of the customers based on their loading conditions. In both commercial and residential electric...

Kusam-Meco AC/DC TRMS Digital Clampmeter

It meets the requirements for CAT IV 1000V AC & DC & is UL Approved.

Agam ALCT Leakage clamp meter

It has the latest CT technology and digital integration technology, with small size, high precision and perfect function.
Renewable Energy, Green Power Electricity, Energy Conservation, Sustainable Energy, Environments, Solar power | SMART INDIA NEEDS SMART ELECTRICITY - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables


The article aims to assess the necessity of smart electricity for manifestation of smart city. - Dr. Sarat Kumar Sahoo

Festival of Nations: Thermal Images to Protect Against Covid-19

More than 25 years ago, an idea became reality: a single children’s event grew into a variety of support projects for children and young...

Automatic Voltage Regulating Relay

These products feature: Digital readout for PT Supply and Deadband Settings, LED Indications  for  Raise / Lower Presignals,Undervoltage and Control Relay operation conditions, Continuously ...

Revolutionizing Energy Management for a Sustainable Future

Smart metering refers to the deployment of advanced digital meters that measure and record energy consumption at granular intervals and communicate this information to...

Smart Meters Market worth 19.98 Billion USD by 2022

The global market is witnessing a significant growth, which is driven by government policies, energy conservation, increasing smart grid deployment, and utilities urge to enhance distribution efficiency…

“Consumers should not go by special offers…”

Kusam-Meco introduced and pioneered the use of Digital Multimeters and Clamp Meters in the Indian industry. The company continues to introduce new products with unique features and protection – to meet current market demand and safety to cater to the customers’ diverse applications. In an exclusive interview with Electrical India, Chandmal Goliya, Managing Director, Kusam Meco Import - Export P Ltd., is talking to P K Chatterjee about the evolution of the T&M instruments market in India and his company’s product portfolio. Excerpts…
New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | FLIR CM94: 2000 A AC/DC Utility Clamp Meter - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

FLIR CM94: 2000 A AC/DC Utility Clamp Meter

The CM94 clamp meter from FLIR is designed to tackle high-current measurements in demanding utility and industrial job sites.

FAME RACK – The plug-in test system for 19 inches racks by Phoenix Contact

FAME RACK is the latest addition to the FAME (Fast And Modular Energy) plug-in test system – a test interface between the field installation...

FLUKE 972A & FLUKE 972B Temperature Humidity (Thermo-Hygro) Meters

Two new professional grade Temperature Humidity Meters, that are fast, easy to use, suits your applications and fit in your budget. FLUKE, the world leader...

Fluke Unveils New Line of Acoustic Imagers with ii915, ii905, and ii500

Fluke revolutionized industrial leak detection five years ago with the introduction of its first sonic imager featuring SoundSight™ technology. This innovative tool transformed how...

MoviTHERM Relies on FLIR Thermal Imaging Cameras

At the pace of modern business today, no one can afford unplanned production outages and costly downtime. Machine Condition Monitoring (MCM) is all about averting these problems before they happen. Based on its many years of experience with the application of thermal imaging, thermography specialist MoviTHERM (Irvine, CA, USA) designed a dedicated MCM solution with FLIR thermal imaging cameras…
New Products Information, Latest Technology, free resources, white papers, Planning & Design| energy & power industry | Blockchain enabled Smart Metering in 2019 - Electrical India Magazine on Power & Electrical products, Renewable Energy, Transformers, Switchgear & Cables

Blockchain enabled Smart Metering in 2019

Blockchain technology is expected to extend the benefits of investments in renewable energy microgrids and a change of ecosystem to the consumers. The year 2019 would be seeing blockchain enabled smart metering technologies with in-built smart contract functionality. - Dr. Vithal N. Kamat