Energy Management and Environmental Security are the current challenges. Access to reliable electricity for all is one of the key drivers of socio- economic development. However, according to the 2011 Census data, 45 % of Rural Indian Households lack access to electricity supply. The primary reason is power generation lesser than demand. It has been proven time and again that ‘Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency’ is the key to bridge the gap between this Demand and Supply.
Reliance Energy takes pride in playing a pioneering role in Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency practices, across its value chain – from Generation to Transmission and finally in its Distribution business.
Our Generation Plant at Dahanu boasts of the several achievements in the field of Energy Conservation. First certification for ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management System, across the world, Only Power Generation Company in India to enter ‘Platts’ Power magazine, USA in 2004, First Power Plant, to have been certified for ISO 14001, across the nation, to name a few.
Reliance Energy, the Mumbai power distribution arm of Reliance Infrastructure Ltd., is not far behind and is the first electric supply utility in the country to establish an effective ISO-9001:2008 Quality Management System & one of the few utilities in India which has ISO 14001:2004, EMS certificate which shows the company’s commitment for environment protection. With a consumer base of more than 29 Lacs; geographic spread over 400 Sq. Kms. and with a workforce of more than 8500; the company has been serving Mumbaikars since last 85 years with a Quality Power supply having 99.98% reliability & T&D loss near 09 %, again one of the lowest in India. While such a humongous geographical and operational spread of activities makes Energy Conservation / Energy Efficiency a challenging task; on the other hand it also magnifies the results and benefits of any process improvement and standardization manifold.
Demand Side Management – Objective & potential
Objective – Any Initiative which will either clip the peak or shift the load to off peak is consider as a positive outcome of Demand Side Management.
Load Management…
As per CEA Report, Sector wise DSM potential identified:
Reliance Energy, therefore targeted Industrial, Commercial and Domestic Sector which in combine has large chunk of conservation potential.
Focused Approach
Reliance Energy EE/EC/DSM program follows a comprehensive three-prong Approach – Implement, Educate, and Practice!
1.0 Implementation of EE&EC Measures for Consumers!
- EE Ceiling Fans Program: As over 80% of the consumers of Reliance Energy are from Residential Category this Program was launched for Residential consumers to replace, old inefficient ceiling fans by BEE 5 star rated Ceiling Fans that save over 30% of electricity. The programme offered up to 50% price discount to consumers with free of cost installation. During Phase I & II, total 25,000 Units were replaced with an estimated savings of 1.25 MU p.a.
- EE Refrigerator Program: Load research survey showed that 71% of residential customers are using refrigerator in their homes. Also, 17% of the existing refrigerators were 10 year old and inefficient while 88% are more than 5 year old. Based on Load Research findings, the Program for residential consumers is launched to replace the conventional refrigerator with energy efficient BEE 5 star rated Refrigerator. Till date 6500 refrigerator are being replaced with estimated saving potential of 2.6 Million Units.
- 5-Star Split Air Conditioner (AC) Program for Residential & Commercial Users: Under this programme the company has replaced the old Window AC units, 770 in numbers, with energy efficient 5-star rated split AC units. Cumulative estimated saving of 2.16 Lacs Units p.a.
- AC Automation Programme: This Program was launched for Commercial and Industrial consumers with an objective of automation in air conditioning for chiller plant, ductable split and cassette and package air-conditioners. The target was the automation of 2,500 tonnes of refrigeration (TR) which would result in annual estimated saving of 1.3 million units. Under this programme, in 2014-15, 3 commercial consumers have participated with automation of 770 TR Air Conditioning system, and has resulted into cumulative savings of 0.15 million units as on date.
- Energy Audit Scheme: This scheme was launched by the company with an objective to sensitize its Commercial / Industrial consumers on energy efficiency and energy conservation measures, and to facilitate them in adapting these measures thereby saving electricity and reducing their peak demand. While the Energy Audit Services to small consumers were offered absolutely free of cost, that to the large consumers were offered with an Audit Fee on sharing basis – 75% (Company) & 25% (Consumer). However, even this 25% payment by consumer was refunded as an incentive to those who implemented at least 50% of audit recommendations. More than 120 Audits have been conducted till date with an estimated savings of more than 8 MU.
- Capacitor Installation Program: This program was launched by the company for all Commercial and Industrial category consumers. Under this programme, the best quality capacitors at 30% discounted price were offered to consumers combined with special offers like extended product warranty, free site inspection and free cost of installation with wiring. The programme witnessed installation of 2178 kVAR and increased awareness amongst consumers on Reactive Power Management.
- Street Light Lamp Conversion Project: Under this program, 36,560 number of High Pressure Mercury Vapour (HPMV) lamps of 125W and 80W were replaced by lower wattage High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) lamps of 70 W with estimated savings of 16.98 MU.
2.0 Education & Sensitization of People on EE&EC!
- Young Energy Saver: YES (Since 2009): The “YES” initiative has started in 2009, aiming to spread message of Energy Conservation through Kids as they have more power to influence their parents. Till date, the campaign has witnessed on-ground activities in 220+ schools covering more than 1,70,000 kids; with 2.6 Lacs+ fan followers on Facebook page (Social Media).
- Now the initiative has entered into Guinness World record for “Largest Gathering of people dressed as trees” in the year 2012.
- Urja Samvardhan Upakram (Since 2008): This initiative was launched with an objective to create EE&EC Awareness amongst Colleges, Societies, Slums, offices and across various consumer forums. Over 200 Programmes have been conducted under this initiative reaching to more than 16,000 citizens of Mumbai.
3.0 Practising EE&EC within RInfra: Energy Conservation Day & Week Celebrations (Yearly): Every year, Company celebrates and actively participates on the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day (14th December) and Energy Conservation Week (14th to 21st December). Besides, the seminars and workshops on EE&EC, various other programmes and schemes like “Save & Save” (Discount) offer on EE appliances in tie-up with the Vendors, competitions for employees and their wards, consumer meets, Audio-visual shows, symbolic walk, etc. are organized seeking maximum participation of Company Employees.
- EE Improvement in Company Offices and Quarters: Company has replaced over 8000 conventional bulbs and tube lights with Energy Saving FTLs, CFLs, and LED Tube lights in office buildings and staff quarters thereby saving 0.93 MU p.a.
- APFC Panel Installation: Company has installed 1033 Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Panels in its distribution substations leading to annual energy savings of 2.72 MU.
- EE Technology Pilots: The company has been undertaking various pilot projects since long to test Energy Efficient technology and products like Insulect Coat Paint, Polarized Refrigerant Oil Additive, Light Pipe, SEMS, Motion / Occupancy Sensor, Energy Saver for Air Conditioner, LED Flood light, Illuminator (Electronic Ballast) for street Lighting, Roof top Solar PV plants etc. with an intention to replicate the model on a larger scale, if tested successful.
Future Sustenance Plans
Under EC/EE/DSM Programme, the company is continuously working on new EE Technologies and Strategies besides existing running programmes. Some of our future programmes include:
- 100% Replacement of existing fixtures by LED Fixtures
- Solar Water Heating System
- Micro Renewable Technology Implementation
- Ongoing EE&EC Awareness Drive
Last Word … aspiring for a New World…
We, at Reliance Energy believe that Energy Conservation is every one’s moral responsibility and through our EE/EC/DSM Program, we have demonstrated a strong commitment to preserve and nurture the environment. Company aims to grow in a manner that is sustainable, by addressing all three tiers of Sustainability – Social, Environmental and Economic.
It is gratifying to note that while the company’s business footprint is growing every passing day, its Carbon Footprint is reducing – thanks to its Sustainability Drive in the field Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency.
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