Complicated Questions, Simple Answers!

Oops! Another last minute modification!! Aarrgghh!!! There goes the Panel Builder again…

He can’t say no to the Client / Specifier / Contractor, nor is anyone likely to pay him the cost for such modifications. It could be the result of a last minute Client’s change, Specifier’s perspective or Contractor’s special requirement. This eliminates potential earnings and delays the time to bill, thus increasing the inventory holding time. Sounds familiar? Well you are not alone…

Now the scene shifts to the how to accommodate these changes? If your Panel is welded, there’s no way you can merge two small compartments to form a big one or reverse the opening of that Cable Alley door from LHS to RHS or vice versa… If the space to accommodate the extra parts, say, is inadequate, the only choice would now be to add another vertical and hopefully, there should be space in the Customer Electrical Room! And we all know that if you modify a welded panel, the look and feel of the original would never be the same again.

On the other hand, should your Panel Enclosure be modular, all these changes become less expensive, faster, smarter & even greener and most likely to be to the satisfaction of all stake holders. Recently a Panel Builder shared with me how post manufacturing the Switchboard, he realized that the shipping section designed and approved for was to be taken into an IT Park Building by crane before the glass scaffolding was done. However, by the time the Switchboard reached the site, the scaffolding was done and the staircase was too narrow to allow for the shifting of the Switchboard all the way to the 4th floor.

Luckily, he had used the MODUTEC Modular Switchboard Enclosure System to build his Switchboard. He was hence able to send a team overnight with the required tools and materials to site and literally divided the Panel into two parts by replacing the Cross Bars with Frame Bar profiles. Once done he was able to take the Panel up the stairs to the delight of the stunned onlookers. That’s the beauty of the adaptable, flexible & versatile Modular System. Imagine what would have been the situation, had this Switchboard been welded!

Another Panel Builder during COVID had the onerous task of replacing a fire gutted Switchboard at the Serum Institute, Pune, India in the shortest time possible as people wanted the vaccine availability to be unhindered. He called Modutec and the same day, the Frame Bar & Cross Bar profiles were dispatched by night bus from Bengaluru to Pune. The Panel Builder made the partitions and Base Plinth himself and started the Switchgear fixing & Bus Bar routing all in parallel paths as well as one after another.

Within the fifth day the Hinged Doors with door cutouts as required were promptly sent to him along with the Bolted Doors. And lo! On the 9th day the Switchboard was inspected, cleared and consigned to the Institute to reinstate electricity there. Could this have happened with a welded enclosure? No way… The advantages of being FASTER & ADAPTABLE sets Modutec modular enclosures apart and heralds a patented technology that is bound to transform the way Switchboards are built. And why? Because the timely, safe and reliable distribution of electric power, can’t wait…

Further, the worry of the End User is always, whether he can trust the Panel Builder with trouble free, zero defect, well-engineered switchboards. He is a person who would be investing millions of dollars in his project, be it an Industry, Building or Infrastructure installation. And these electrical panels are going to be the heart of his electrical architecture. How will he de-risk the potential failure in these installations and build the much wanted predictable reliability instead.

When consulted, most Specifiers would advise their Client to shortlist only such Panel Builders who would have their Switchboard solutions compliant to international standards of IEC 61439 1&2. In quite a few Countries, this is now mandatory. This Standard covers 12 Tests, critical to the proper functioning of the Switchboard. Those Panel Builders who are compliant would be knowledgeable, competent and aware of the pitfalls that would need to be avoided, in order to deliver world class and top quality panel solutions. The challenge is that if a Panel Builder has certification with one make of switchgear, but the Specifier / Client / Client’s Client prefers another make, he is likely to feel like that batsman who gets run out just before he reaches the crease…

Not with a Modutec user! Since Modutec is on a mission to simplify panel building and has accreditations with as many as 6 makes of Switchgear, viz: ABB, Schneider, LS Electric, Mitsubishi, Eaton and Siemens. This freedom of choice, and vast type testing experience of Modutec, not just in India, but with certifications from international companies like Intertek & Dekra and from laboratories in Seoul and Dubai, sets it apart as hugely dependable, reliable and can be trusted to deliver the compliant switchboard enclosure system.

What’s more, Modutec inspects the drawings of the Panel Builder, approves it before it is submitted to the Specifier. A “Declaration of Conformity” is then issued indicating the 12 Tests compliance so that nothing is left to chance. Further, when the Switchboard is ready for inspection, Modutec ensures the SAY-DO ratio and then guides the Panel Builder, as required in ensuring alignment to the IEC 61439 1&2 standards. This way all the stake holders, get the benefits of not just following the international standards, but also with a freedom of choice wrt Switchgear makes.

Everyone is in business for profitable growth and therefore expects such reliability to come at a reasonable cost. Here too, a choice the Panel Builder has is to get his own Certification that comes at a huge price of not only money but also time & focus. The next alternative of aligning with a particular Switchgear make like Schneider, ABB or Siemens also comes to him not just with a significant license fees, which most can ill afford, but also with strictures that only their make of switchgear can be used.

Modutec on the other hand, not only accommodates the multiple switchgear choice, but also is quite below these enclosure system options in price. Even if one considers the choice of competitive brands like Rittal, Elsteel or Cubic, once again the competitiveness, versatility and speed in availability scores in favour of Modutec largely. Even the accommodation of different colours, desired door cutouts and customized dimensions come with a ‘can do’ and a smile. Do try us out, if you haven’t still. Get onto

And if the Panel Partner wants the IEC 61439 1&2 certificate from Intertek ASTA in his name on the first page, Modutec pioneers in issuing such accreditations, once again at an affordable cost. With this entry ticket in possession of the Panel Builder, he is able to differentiate himself as a compliant switchboard manufacturer, participate in such tenders, (which he would have been otherwise regretting) and market himself as accreditated, on his website, mailers and brochures.

To further simplify the process of Panel Building, Modutec has released its MODSIM software, which is an estimation, engineering and execution tool. Ask us for a demo on Once signed up with Modutec, you will get a User Name & Pass Word that would enable you to get into an error free costing as well, from the cloud. Modutec also has the MODSIM Plus software, wherein development drawings per switchboard can be released to License Users, thus allowing them to focus more on the Electricals and grow on their digitalization USPs.

To summarize, Modutec Modular Switchboard Enclosure Systems offers the following unparalleled benefits to its Panel Partners to the acronym FASTEST:

  • Faster, Smarter & Greener
  • Adaptable, Flexible & Versatile
  • Switchgear agnostic and hence freedom of choice
  • Type Test compliant to IEC 61439 1&2 and repeatedly
  • Economical, affordable and fair pricing
  • Software for estimation, engineering & execution
  • Training, handholding & partnering

So, next time, do not say Aarrgghh, but exclaim AHA! We all live but once. Let us do so with wonder filled learning, enjoyable experiences and supported contribution. Welcome to the world of Type Tested, Flat Pack, Modular Switchboard Enclosure System. Think of simplification, think of Modutec…

Ramani Mani is the Founder & Managing Director of Modutec Ready Panels Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru, India.

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