Publisher’s letter

Power electronics is a critical element in advanced smart grid and renewable energy systems. It plays an important role in the areas of energy saving, electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and grid energy storage. The power electronics market in India is expected to witness significant growth owing to government pushing for electric vehicle adoption and encouraging setting up large-scale solar power plant projects in the country. This time we take a closer look at the varied aspects of power electronics technology.

On the energy generation front, the world is moving from the fossil energy era to the renewable energy era and India has a unique advantage: the abundance of renewable resources including solar and wind. Accordingly, the government has set an ambitious target of having 175 GW of clean energy capacity by 2022, including 100 GW solar and 60 GW of wind energy. Further, it aims to exceed its renewable energy target of 275 GW in 2027. This edition presents to you a comprehensive review of solar power technology in terms of its market potential, technology innovations etc.

The 2019 edition of Renewable Energy India will open its doors on 18th September in India Expo Mart, Greater Noida. The congregation of global renewable energy players will exhibit cutting-edge technologies and products. Electrical India, being the media partner, will be present at this event. We look forward to see you there.

Till then, happy reading.

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Publisher & Editor-In-Chief

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