India is the world’s fifth largest electricity generator with total installed capacity of 2, 75,911.62 MW. Out of this, 40% is from state owned utilities, 32% is from privately owned utilities and 28% is from central owned utilities. The pace of investment from private players is considerable, which shows an encouraging environment for the electricity sector. Currently, India has total 1,91,663.56 MW of installed capacity on thermal, 41997.42 MW of installed capacity on hydro, 36470.64 MW of installed capacity on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and 5,780 MW of installed capacity on nuclear. Thermal sources contribute 68% in the total capacity.
Fig-1 shows Indian top ten states have largest installed electricity capacity. The state of Maharashtra is at the top position in installed electricity generation capacity in India. The state of Gujarat is on second position of installed electricity generation capacity followed by Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh etc.
Fig-1- Installed Capacity of top ten Indian States (as on 31-07-2015)…
Fig-2- Maharashtra State…
Maharashtra is a state in the western region of India and is the nation’s third largest state and also the world’s second-most populous sub-national entity. Its population makes Maharashtra one of the largest energy users of country. The high electricity demand of the state constitutes 13.91% of the total installed electricity generation capacity in India.
By 31 July 2015, Maharashtra has 38,372.83 MW of installed capacity. Out of this, 28,145.20 MW generate from thermal (coal & gas) plants, 690.14 MW from nuclear plants, 3,331.84 MW from hydro plants and 6,205.65 from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) like solar, wind etc. Fuel-wise installed capacity in Maharashtra is given below. The fig-3 shows percentage of energy generation in Maharashtra by different sources.
Fig-3- Maharashtra Power Generation (Fuel wise)…
Power Generating Utility Of Maharashtra
In the past, electricity provided to the state of Maharashtra by Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB). MSEB was set up in the year 1960 to generate, transmit and distribute power to people in Maharashtra, except Mumbai. Maharashtra State Electricity Board (or MSEB) is a state-owned electricity regulation board operating within the state of Maharashtra in India. On June 6, 2005 Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) has been restructured into four companies. These companies include- MSEB Holding Company, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company (Mahavitaran), Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company (Mahapareshan) and Maharashtra State Electricity Generation Company (MAHAGENCO). The state of Maharashtra forms a major constituent of the western grid of India, which now comes under North, East, West and North Eastern (NEWNE) grid of India. Fig-4 shows the Structure of Maharashtra Electricity Scenario.
Fig-4- Structure of Maharashtra Electricity Scenario…
Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (MAHAGENCO) has the highest overall generation capacity and the highest thermal installed capacity amongst all the state power generation utilities in India. In terms of installed capacity, it is the second highest generation company after National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPCL). MAHAGENCO is the only State Utility having a very well balanced generation portfolio involving thermal, hydel and gas stations along with solar power plant.
The first 500 MW plant to be installed in any State Utility belongs to Maharashtra. Maharashtra Power Generation Company (MAHAGENCO) operates thermal power plants in the state. In addition to the state government owned power generation plants, there are privately owned power generation plants that transmit power through Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company, which looks after transmission of electricity in the state.
MAHAGENCO has an installed capacity of 12,237 MW. This comprises Thermal (nearly 73%, i.e., 8,980 MW) and a gas-based generating station at Uran, having an installed capacity of 672 MW. The Hydro-lectric projects in the State of Maharashtra have capacity of 2,585 MW.
MAHAGENCO is simultaneously implementing capacity additions programmes of about 9,320 MW. Project execution works of 3,230 MW are in full swing and 6,090 MW projects are in advanced stage of planning. It is also working in the area of power generation from non-conventional energy resources, and has clear vision for Green Power for the consumers of Maharashtra. Table-2 shows the power plant installed in Maharashtra by MAHAGENCO and table-3 shows the ongoing projects in Maharashtra.
MAHAGENCO is the largest power generation utility in Maharashtra under state government. Private sectors have also installed their power generating units in Maharashtra like TATA Power, Adani Power and Reliance Infrastructure etc. Table-4 shows the list of installed power plant by private companies.
Renewable Energy Scenario Of Maharashtra
Maharashtra is one of the leading industrialized states in the country. Maharashtra’s economy is growing very fast and so its energy needs are continuously increasing. In the past few years, the state has been facing a grim power demand supply scenario. Government has increased power generation by addition in thermal capacity in last few years – and work in progress to improve capacity of thermal plants. Now the government has aware about renewable energy sources, so state government has been taking various initiatives to increase the power generation through renewable energy. Maharashtra state government established Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) to undertake development of renewable energy. MEDA did lot of work in the field of renewable energy focusing on rural areas.
Currently, total installed Renewable Capacity in the state of Maharashtra is 6,145 MW. Maharashtra is one of the top states in India in term of the installed renewable electricity capacity. The state has conventional electricity capacity of 24,105 MW. Renewable energy has 14% share in total electricity generation capacity of the state. Fig-5 shows installed renewable energy capacity on the basis of resources. Wind energy dominant in all form of renewable energy in the state followed by bagasse, solar and small hydel.
Table-4 shows the potential of renewable energy in Maharashtra. Wind power potential in the country is about 49,130 MW, while in Maharashtra it is 5,439 MW. Sites with Annual Mean Wind Density above 200 W/m2 are considered suitable for wind power projects. 339 such sites have been identified in the country, of which 40 sites are in Maharashtra. Maharashtra is one of the prominent states considering the installation of wind power projects second to Tamil Nadu in India. As on 30/09/2014, installed capacity of wind energy is 4167.26 MW. As of now there are 50 developers registered with state nodal agency “Maharashtra energy Development Agency” for development of wind power projects. All the major manufacturers of wind turbines including Suzlon, Vestas, Gamesa, Regen, Leitner Shriram have presence in Maharashtra. According to Maharashtra Renewable Energy Policy 2015, target of 5000 MW wind energy plants installation in state.
Fig- 5- Resources base installed Renewable Energy capacity (as on 31st July-2015)…
Among the renewable sources of energy, solar energy has a huge potential for power generation in Maharashtra. There are 250-300 days of clear sun with an available average radiation of 4 to 6 kWh/sq. metre over a day. There is a capacity to generate 1.5 million units/MW/year through solar photovoltaic systems & up to 2.5 million units/MW/ year through solar thermal systems. MAHAGENCO has commissioned 130 MWp Solar Power Projects till date. MAHAGENCO aspires to increase its solar portfolio from current 130 MWp to 450 MWp by end of the year 2015-16. Currently, installed capacity of solar energy plants in Maharashtra is 378.7 MWp, which is 9.2% of total installed capacity of solar plants in india.
As per MNRE the potential of small hydro power in India is 10,071 MW and in Maharashtra potential is 732.63 MW. The installed capacity in Maharashtra by the year 2013-14 is 278.40 MW. Till date all projects are developed by Water Resource Department, GOM through private developers. Target of small hydro plant installation as per Maharashtra Renewable Energy Policy 2015 is 400MW. There is a large potential in the non-conventional energy sources sector, out of which biomass is one of the major sources of energy. Maharashtra is having agricultural / agro-industrial surplus biomass with a potential of about 781 MW distributed through the state. This distributed potential can be harnessed to meet increasing power demand and to improve the techno-economic scenario.
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