What is the status quo of the Indian transformer industry?

Nowadays Development parameters across the globe are set up according to infrastructural development with compliance to sustainability and saving energy for future generation to come. In this regard in our nation, the introduction of BIS norms and standards in Electrical and Transformer industry can play a vital role–only if the rules and regulations are more in action and less on papers. The technical indicators marked by BIS are falling short, as they cannot be met by the manufacturer due to unavailability of raw materials approved by BIS–which is not easily available to the manufacturer and if available the prices are less feasible.

On the other hand the BIS approved manufacturer had to compete with non- approved makers, which is not a fair business to deal. The approved manufacturers are facing problems into the market because of unorganised, non BIS manufacturers having very less formalities and overheads. There should be uniform BIS norms followed by governmental and non-governmental consumers and other end users.  If the manufacturer is BIS approved then his product to every utility or DISCOM must be approved PAN India without getting empanelment by each and every  state as he becomes eligible by the national statutory body by following all standards, rules and regulation accordingly.

How do you innovate (as a manufacturer) to tackle the emerging needs of the customers from different segments of the industry?

Innovation in transformers has been seen after the development of first transformer in 1885.

In transformer industry, we have to gear up for finding new ways to ensure more efficient transformers in both ways, maybe in case of efficiency where the losses are to be curtailed down to minimum levels. Which require better production techniques with better inputs like -high grade quality core, better oil, copper, aluminium etc. & better safety measures. This wholly depends on the industrial unit manufacturing the most essential electricity distribution product, as for instance, if we take the example of our company i.e., in ATS we ensure that there should be protective measure taken and we have succeeded in that by giving transformers with no single failure. We at ATS watch that the quality is never compromised and we install the high-grade products PAN India, just like we get attracted by foreign products due to their goodness. We want the world to desire for the products made by us on our soil involving the indigenous  resources, providing employment to many and contributing in industrial development–in addition to adding up to GDP of the Economy.

We see that GoI is still working on electrification across the entire country but could not achieve that goal due to shortage of energy, becoming wholly atomic energy provider will take time–so the other aspect that can be worked on is saving the energy, which can be ensured only when it is done at each level: for which LED lights, star rating appliances, solar panels, wind energy is taken into consideration, transformers cannot be left behind and we need to make them more energy efficient as per IS-1180 and work on EEL-3 (5 star rating). May it be DISCOM, Hospital segment, emerging Mall Culture, Hospitality, Educational Centres, Builders, transformers are required by each segment of Indian Industry  and providing it with best amenities and safety is the demand. We are most concentrated on by building highly skilled team for the purpose infusing with best quality inputs keeping the best intentions in  mind.

Our products are:
• Power & Distribution Transformer
• HT & LT control Panel

How competitive are your products and what is your Unique Sales Proposition (USP)?

Very truthfully speaking, our products are our pride. The USP of our products is: guaranteed best quality at fairer prices with updated design and which are energy efficient, where we make all the electrical products that are BIS approved and to be very true it is not an easy job with providing superior product and outstanding service.

“Instead of working so hard to prove the skeptics wrong, it makes a lot more sense to delight the true believers. They deserve it, and after all they’re the ones that are going to spread the word for you.”

What are the advantages of dry-type transformers and how is its market growing?

The volume of Dry type Transformer is increasing day by day due to its space concern and fire safety norms. Alternative products are also available with natural easter oil with higher fire flashing point. Going with the modern Dry Type transformer, we find some demerits associated with it, i.e., resins which at the time of hazard prove more hazardous and burn like tyres in comparison to which Ester oil is safer and does not catch fire–and great news is that Ester oil transformers are approved by many State Governments.

Do you design all your products indigenously? How much flexibility do you offer for customisation?

We design all products in-house with the best team to work with, proper labour division that is enabling specialization and ultimately skill development. The design of our product is further customized according to client’s demand and specifications provided by him, further to elaborate we make Dual ratio transformers, wind and solar application transformer, natural ester oil filled transformer, skid mounted substation, compact substations, to meet-out client’s demand.

Please brief us about your test facilities for transformers.

Complete Routine & special testing facility is available inhouse for LV & MV Control Panels and Power & Distribution Transformers, all testing is being done as per IS: 8623, IS 2026 & IEC: 60076.

What are the different kinds of control panels that you make?

We manufacture the entire range of PCC, MCC, SDB, APFC, LDB Control Relay Panels, Synchronizing & AMF Panel, Drive Panel, PLC panel & customised projects in LV segment & up to 33 kV panels & compact substation / package substation/skid mounted substation in MV Segment .

How is your export business shaping up?

Yes, we have the desire to showcase our products on global platform and become a big exporter for transformers and other power products and in this direction, we have initiated by opening a plant in Oman and planning a joint venture in Nigeria, we
have many enquiries from African, Gulf and other foreign regions.

What would you like to communicate to the decision makers from the Indian industries using transformers?

Communication is the key to success. Using the given platform, I would like to convey my message to the decision makers from the Indian industries using transformers to ask some questions to themselves about the awareness of what to demand for as they are buying the asset which will be installed for 30 to 40 years.

Are the prices of the transformers pose as their first concern?

Do they want more efficient transformers to ensure energy saving, that do not carry high losses running?

Should they buy it from BIS approved makers, want to have good warranty and services to avoid future failure, breakdowns, and high electricity bills?

One of the most important point to make the user aware is about the maintenance of the products which should be as per guidelines mentioned in user manual sent along to ensure hassle free installation, good running period and life of the product.

Moreover, I would humbly proclaim that it will be a privilege to get associated and help each other by stepping on the path of success and developing by developing others.

We are here to ease your business process by being faithful and trustworthy in keeping up our company’s goodwill by providing best facilities to enrich the industrial development of the nation on whole.

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